Title Instrumenti financiranja investicija u energetsku efikasnost zgrada
Title (english) Instruments for financing investments in energy efficiency of buildings
Author Davorka Vranić
Mentor Anita Pavković (mentor)
Committee member Darko Tipurić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Stojanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-01-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Energetska efikasnost jedan je od važnih segmenata održivog razvoja i okosnica strateških energetskih politika zemalja širom svijeta, kojom se, zajedno sa upravljanjem obnovljivim izvorima energija planiraju postići zacrtani energetski ciljevi do 2030. i 2050. godine. Poticanje energetske efikasnosti obuhvaća sektore, najveće potrošače energije: zgradarstvo, javni sektor, industriju i promet. Ovim radom istražila se dostupnost i kvaliteta instrumenata financiranja u energetsku efikasnost zgrada, mogućnost razvoja novih modela financiranja, prepreke s kojima se investitori na tržištu svakodnevno susreću te uloga bankarskog sektora na tržištu financijskih proizvoda za financiranje energetske efikasnosti. Stabilan bankarski sustav pokretač je ekonomskog i gospodarskog rasta razvoja. Stoga je cilj ovog rada istražiti utjecaj koji banke ostvaruju na razvoj novih financijskih proizvoda i usluga za tržište energetske efikasnosti kao i povratni utjecaj investicija u poboljšanje energetske efikasnosti i održivi razvoj na daljnji smjer razvoja banaka. Provedeno je istraživanje na namjernom uzorku bankarskih managera radi utvrđivanja stavova o prethodno navedenim utjecajima. Istraživanje stavova je pokazalo da su banke važni sudionici tržišta "zelene ekonomije", čije strateške smjernice uključuju rast i razvoj proizvoda i usluga namijenjenih tržištu energetske efikasnosti, te da imaju ulogu educiranja javnosti i potrebi racionalnog raspolaganja energijom. Međutim, tržište energetske efikasnosti trenutno nema većeg utjecaja na daljnji smjer razvoja i organizacijsku strukturu banaka, a financijski proizvodi banaka namijenjeni „zelenom“ tržištu u ovisnosti su od dostupnih poticaja odnosno subvencija. Izrađena je studija slučaja na primjeru ESCo tvrtke u Hrvatskoj koja je pokazala da energetska obnova zgrada može dovesti do znatnih financijskih ušteda uz prosječno razdoblje povrata investicije između 7 i 14 godina i smanjenja emisije CO2. Kroz brojne tablične prikaze, grafikone i ilustracije potiče se razumijevanje stanja energetske potrošnje, ostvarenih ušteda od energetske efikasnosti i dostupnih financijskih mehanizama na inozemnom i domaćem tržištu. Projekti energetske efikasnosti od posebne su važnosti za lokalnu sredinu jer potiču zapošljavanje, ekonomski razvoj i direktno poboljšavaju kvalitetu života lokalne zajednice. Prepoznat je nedostatak kvalitetne energetske strategije u Hrvatskoj, administrativnih kapaciteta, povezanosti nadležnih tijela i potreba za uključivanjem svih sudionika u aktivne informativno-edukacijske kampanje.
Abstract (english) Energy efficiency is one of the important segments of sustainable development and the backbone of strategic energy policies across the globe, which together with the management of renewable energy sources are planning to reach the set energy targets by 2030 and 2050. Encouraging energy efficiency covers sectors, the largest energy consumers: construction, public sector, industry and traffic. This paper researched the availability and quality of financing instruments for energy efficiency of buildings, the possibility of developing new financing models, the barriers that market investors encounter on a daily basis, and the role of the banking sector in the financial products market for energy efficiency financing. A stable banking system is a driver of economic growth and development. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the impact that banks have on the development of new financial products and services for the energy efficiency market, as well as the return impact of investments in improving energy efficiency and sustainable development in the further banks' development direction. Research on a deliberate sample of bank managers was carried out to determine the attitudes on the above-mentioned impacts. Investigating attitudes has shown that banks are an important market participant in the “green economy”, whose strategic guidelines include growth and development of products and services intended for the energy efficiency market, and have the role of educating the public and the need for rational energy disposal. However, the energy efficiency market does not currently have any major influence on the further development and organizational structure of banks, and the financial products of banks intended for the “green” market depend on available incentives or subsidies. A case study was produced on ESCo's example in Croatia, which showed that energy recovery in buildings could lead to substantial financial savings with an average return period of between 7 and 14 years and a reduction in CO2 emissions. Through numerous tabular views, charts and illustrations, contributes to the understanding of the state of energy consumption, the realized savings of energy efficiency and the available financial mechanisms in the domestic and domestic markets are encouraged. Energy efficiency projects are of particular importance to the local environment as they stimulate employment, economic development and directly improve the quality of life of the local community. There is a lack of quality energy strategy in Croatia, administrative capacity, the linkage of competent authorities and the need to involve all participants in active information and education campaigns.
energetska efikasnost
bankarski sustav
održivi razvoj
"zelena ekonomija"
ESCo tvrtka
Keywords (english)
energy efficiency
banking system
sustainable development
“green economy”
ESCo company
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:745750
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja-MBA (specijalist/specijalistica poslovnog upravljanja-MBA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-09 21:38:41