Abstract | U vremenu izrazito snažnog tehnološkog rasta, visokog stupnja digitalizacije i sve veće dostupnosti proizvoda, poduzeća se nadmeću i suočavaju sa sve većom konkurencijom na zasićenom tržištu. U takvom izrazito kompetitivnom području djelovanja, poduzećima je važnije više nego ikada prije, ponuditi proizvod na tržištu koji će sa svim svojim karakteristikama zadovoljiti potrebe i želje potrošača. Marketinški stručnjaci pomoću istraživanja tržišta nastoje detektirati atribute percipirane kvalitete određenog proizvoda unutar prehrambene industrije koje potrošači smatraju ključnima. Budući da je percipirana kvaliteta u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa zadovoljstvom potrošača, postizanjem visoke razine percipirane kvalitete proizvoda, poduzeća pokušavaju detektirati potencijalne nedostatke karakteristika vlastitih proizvoda, te upravo otklanjanjem istih ostvaruju temelje za stvaranjem zajednice zadovoljnih potrošača.
Cilj diplomskog rada bio je istražiti važnost i ulogu pojedinih dimenzija percipirane kvalitete u postizanju zadovoljstva potrošača u prehrambenoj industriji, odnosno u kategoriji sladoleda. U istraživanju ispitanici su morali odrediti koliko određene skupine čimbenika poput okusa, teksture, izgleda i pakiranja utječu na njihovu percepciju kvalitete proizvoda te su utvrdili kakva je uloga doživljaja percipirane kvalitete na njihovo zadovoljstvo. U primarnom dijelu istraživanja sudjelovalo je 300 ispitanika iz dva najveća grada u Republici Srbiji i dva najveća grada u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Strukturu ispitanika činilo je 50% žena i 50% muškaraca te budući da se radi o ispitivanju percipirane kvalitete proizvoda u kategoriji sladoleda, jedan od uvjeta sudjelovanja u istraživanju bio je da su ispitanici konzumenti impulsnog sladoleda tijekom ljeta te da su konzumirali sladoled marke “X” barem jednom tijekom ljeta. Ispitanici su konzumirali 2 uzorka sladoleda, uzorak “A” i uzorak “B” te su na temelju anketnog upitnika iskazali svoje preferencije vezne uz različite karakteristike proizvoda. Analiza rezultata pokazala je da se okus i pakiranje sladoleda pozicionira kao najvažniji faktori utjecaja na kvalitetu proizvoda, dok su izgled i tekstura čimbenici koji imaju manju ulogu. Također utvrđeno je da subjektivan doživljaj percipirane evaluacije čimbenika okusa, teksture, izgleda i pakiranja proizvoda kod potrošača izaziva zadovoljstvo proizvodom jer nadilazi njihova očekivanja.
Poduzeća moraju intenzivno ulagati u razvoj i usavršavanje karakteristika proizvoda koje imaju relevantan utjecaj na percepciju potrošača kako bi zadovoljili potrebe potrošača, potaknuli njihovo zadovoljstvo i ostali konkurentni na tržištu. |
Abstract (english) | In a time of extremely strong technological growth, a high degree of digitization and increasing availability of products, companies compete and face with increasing competition in a saturated market. In such an extremely competitive field of activity, it is more important than ever before for companies to offer a product on the market that will meet the needs and wishes of consumers with all its characteristics. Using market research, marketers try to detect attributes of the perceived quality of a particular product within the food industry that consumers consider key. Since perceived quality is positively correlated with consumer satisfaction, by achieving a high level of perceived product quality, companies try to detect potential defects in the characteristics of their own products, and precisely by eliminating them, they create base for generate community of satisfied consumers.
The aim of master thesis was investigate the importance and role of certain dimensions of perceived quality in achieving consumer satisfaction in the food industry. In the research, the respondents had to determine how much certain groups of factors such as taste, texture, appearance and packaging affect their perception of product quality, and they determined what role the experience of perceived quality has on their satisfaction. In the primary part of the research participated 300 respondents from the two largest cities in the Republic of Serbia and the two largest cities in the Republic of Croatia.
The structure of the respondents consisted of 50% women and 50% men, and since it is an examination of the perceived quality of products in the ice cream category, one of the conditions for participation in the research was that the respondents were consumers of impulse ice cream during the summer and that they have consumed ice cream of the brand "X" at least once during the summer. Respondents consumed 2 samples of ice cream, sample "A" and sample "B", and based on the survey questionnaire, they expressed their preferences related to different characteristics of the product. The analysis of the results showed that the taste and packaging of ice cream are positioned as the most important factors affecting the quality of the product, while the appearance and texture are factors that play a smaller role. It was also determined that the subjective experience of the perceived evaluation of the factors of taste, texture, appearance and packaging of the product causes consumer satisfaction with the product because it exceeds their expectations.
Companies have to intensively invest in the development and improvement of product characteristics that have a relevant impact on consumer perception in order to satisfy consumer needs, stimulate their satisfaction and to stay competitive on the market. |