Title Sajam kao marketinški instrument razvoja poljoprivrednih proizvoda
Title (english) The fair as a marketing instrument for the development of agricultural products
Author Stjepan Čulina
Mentor Ružica Brečić (mentor)
Committee member Ružica Brečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Turuk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Managerial Economics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza sajma kao marketinškog instrumenta u razvoju poljoprivrednih proizvoda i poduzetnika. Sajmovi su prepoznati kao važan marketinški alat koji pruža jedinstvene mogućnosti za sklapanje poslova, izgradnju imidža, traženje potencijalnih partnera i istraživanje tržišta. Za posjetitelje, sajmovi omogućuju procjenu tržišta, usporedbu cijena i isprobavanje proizvoda. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi povezanost između poljoprivrednih sajmova i razvoja poljoprivrednih proizvoda tijekom prezentacija poduzetnika na sajmovima. Glavno istraživačko pitanje je kako poljoprivredni sajmovi mogu balansirati između zadovoljavanja potreba posjetitelja i poduzetnika, a istovremeno učinkovito promovirati proizvode i poslovanje. Istraživanje je provedeno putem dubinskog intervjua s 10 poduzetnika iz poljoprivrednog sektora koji redovito izlažu na poljoprivrednim sajmovima, omogućavajući i detaljne odgovore i dublji uvid u razvoj poljoprivrednih proizvoda i poslovanja. Rezultati ovog rada su pokazali kako sajmovi imaju velik značaj za poduzetnike jer omogućuju povezivanje s potencijalnim partnerima i kupcima, te prikupljanje novih znanja. Većina ispitanika smatra da sajmovi pozitivno utječu na njihovo poslovanje, omogućujući predstavljanje proizvoda, usporedbu s konkurencijom i uspostavu novih poslovnih kontakata i partnerstava. Sajmovi su važan marketinški alat jer omogućuju izravni kontakt s posjetiteljima, što je ključno za učinkovitu promociju i prodaju proizvoda. Promotivne aktivnosti uključuju oglašavanje, organiziranje predsajamske komunikacije i privlačenje posjetitelja. Sajmovi također omogućuju poduzetnicima da prikupe povratne informacije od posjetitelja, što je važno za poboljšanje proizvoda. Digitalizacija ima velik utjecaj na razvoj sajmova, omogućujući poduzetnicima da dosegnu šire tržište i smanje troškove kroz virtualne sajmove, koji nude financijske prednosti. Iako fizički sajmovi imaju prednost u izravnom kontaktu s proizvodima, virtualni sajmovi nude financijske prednosti i mogućnost učenja novih tehnologija. Zaključak rada je da sajmovi imaju ključnu ulogu u razvoju poljoprivrednih proizvoda i poslovanja poduzetnika. Omogućuju povezivanje s tržištem, prikupljanje informacija i primjenu novih znanja i tehnologija. Digitalizacija dodatno unapređuje mogućnosti sajmova, čineći ih dostupnijima i učinkovitijima. Istraživanje potvrđuje važnost sajmova kao marketinškog instrumenta u poljoprivrednom sektoru, što poduzetnicima omogućuje rast i prilagodbu suvremenim trendovima i zahtjevima tržišta.
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is the analysis of fairs as a marketing instrument sin the development of agricultural products and entrepreneurs. Fairs have long been recognized as an important marketing tool that provides unique opportunities for closing deals, building an image, searching for potential partners and market research. For visitors, fairs provide an opportunity to asses the market, compare prices and try out products. The goal of the research is to determine the connection between agricultural fairs and the development of agricultural products at fairs. The main research question is how agricultural fairs can find balance between meeting the needs of visitors and entrepreneurs, while effectively promoting products and businesses. The research was conducted through in-depth interviews with 10 entrepreneurs from the agricultural sector who have regular exhibitions at the agricultural fairs. This type of research enables respodents to give detailed answers, providing a deeper insight into the development of agricultural products and business during fair events. The results of this work showed that trade fairs are of great importance for entrepreneurs beacuse they enable connecting with potential partners and costumers, as well as gathering new knowledge. Most respondents believe that fairs have a positive impact on their business. Fairs allow entrepreneurs to present their products, compare them with the competition and apply the advantages of other products to their own. They alsoenable the establishment of new business contacts and partnerships. Fairs are an important marketing tool beacuse they allow direct contact with visitors, which is essentialfor effective promotion and sales of products. Promotional activities include advertising, organizing pre-fair comunication, as well as other activities that attract visitors and partners. Trade show salso allow entrepreneurs to gather feedback from visitors, which is important for product improvement . Digitization has had a great impact on the development of fairs and agricultural products. Virtual trade shows allow entrepreneurs to reach a wider market and reduce costs. Altough physical fairs have the advantage of direct contact with products, vitual fairs offer financial advantages an the opportunity to learn new technologies. The conclusion of this thesis is that fairs play a keay role in the development of agricultural products and the business of entrepreneurs. Zhey make it possible to connect with the market, collect information and apply new knowledge and technologies. Digitization further improves the possibilities of trade fairs, making them more asccessible and efficient. The research confirms the importance of fairs as a marketing instrument in the agricultural sector, which enables entrepreneurs to grow and adapt to modern trends and market demands.
poljoprivredni sajam
Keywords (english)
agricultural farm fair
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:092060
Study programme Title: / Study programme type: professional Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar ekonomije/magistra ekonomije (magistar ekonomije/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-03 20:45:16