Abstract | Utjecajne osobe na društvenim medijima imaju sposobnost utjecaja na percepciju, ponašanje i stavove potrošača. Također, imaju veliki potencijal za suradnju s markama jer pomažu izgradnji snažnog i dugoročnog odnosa između potrošača i marke u kontekstu društvenih medija. U literaturi se navodi kako utjecajne osobe mogu imati obilježja marke osobe. Dodatno, proces izgradnje marke osobe, konkretnije njihova osobnost, vjerodostojnost i autentičnost na društvenim medijima utječu na pratitelje na društvenim medijima. Nadalje, obilježja utjecajnih osoba mogu potaknuti angažiranost pratitelja s markom na društvenim medijima. U literaturi se postavlja pitanje kako angažiranost doprinosi lojalnosti utjecajnoj osobi, ali i percepciji komunikacijskih poruka od strane utjecajnih osoba.
Istraženo je pet čimbenika: sličnost s utjecajnom osobom, društvena prisutnost, privlačnost utjecajne osobe, angažiranost te lojalnost utjecajnoj osobi. Također, analiziran je i proces izgradnje marke osobe, konkretnije kako njihova osobnost, vjerodostojnost i autentičnost na društvenim medijima utječu na pratitelje na društvenim medijima.
Provedeno je istraživanje na namjernom prigodnom uzorku od 220 ispitanika. Ispitanicima su bitni da utjecajne osobe imaju kvaliteta sadržaja, autentičnosti, vjerodostojnosti i relevantnost objava. Pozitivno je ocjenjena društvena prisutnost utjecajne osobe, kao i lojalnost marki osobe. Također, po pitanju privlačnosti, ispitanici prate utjecajne osobe temeljem tri kriterija (privlačnost, izgled i stil života). No, istraživanjem nije potvrđeno da su ispitanici angažirani s markom utjecajne osobe. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of the thesis was an exploration of the way how influencers encourage followers’ engagement on social media with an influencer brand.
Influencers on social media have the ability of influencing perceptions, behaviors, and the attitudes. They also have a great potential for collaboration with brands because they help in building strong and long-term connections between a consumer and a brand within the context of social media. It is mentioned in literature that influencers can have attributes of a human brand. Additionally, the process of building a human brand, more precisely their personality, credibility and authenticity on social media can influence followers on social media. Furthermore, influencer attributes can encourage followers’ engagement with their brands on social media. The question is asked in literature how engagement contributes to loyalty to an influencer, but also about the perception of influencer conveying a message.
Five factors were explored: homophily, social presence, attractiveness, attachment, and loyalty to the influencer. Also, there's an analysis of a process of building the human brand, more precisely the way their personality, credibility, and authenticity on social media have an impact on followers on social media.
The study was conducted on a convenience sample of 220 participants. Participants confirmed the importance of influencers though content quality, authenticity, credibility, and relevancy. The social presence of an influencer, as well as loyalty to an influencer brand were positively assessed. Also, in the matter of attractiveness, participants are following influencers according to three criteria (attractiveness, looks and lifestyle). However, the study did not confirm the participants' engagement with an influencer brand. |