Abstract | Klimatske promjene predstavljaju jedan od najvećih izazova s kojima se svijet danas suočava. Zbog ljudskih aktivnosti, posebice povećane emisije stakleničkih plinova, atmosferska koncentracija tih plinova je dramatično porasla. Jedan od najznačajnijih stakleničkih plinova je ugljikov dioksid (CO2) koji ima ključnu ulogu u globalnom zagrijavanju, te je upravo CO2 razlog za sastavljanje Zelenog plana od strane EU-a, a koji ima za cilj klimatsku neutralizaciju do 2030. odnosno 2050. godine.
CO2 je plin koji se prirodno pojavljuje u atmosferi, a problem je u tome što njegova koncentracija dramatično raste zbog ljudskih aktivnosti, poput sagorijevanja fosilnih goriva, industrijskih procesa i krčenja šuma. CO2 je važan jer djeluje kao staklenički plin koji zadržava toplinu u atmosferi, i na taj način stvara efekt staklenika, te grije planetu. Bez prirodnog efekta staklenika bi Zemljina temperatura bila ekstremno hladna, te ne bi bilo uvjeta za život kakav poznajemo. Zbog toga što služi za zagrijavanje, promjena udjela određenih plinova kao što je CO2 (iako i drugi plinovi utječu na povećanje efekta staklenika), dodatno zagrijava atmosferu te može kobno utjecati na život na planeti Zemlji.
Povećanje temperatura dovodi do ekstremnih vremenskih uvjeta kao što su toplinski valovi, suše, poplave i oluje. Takvi ekstremni vremenski događaji mogu uzrokovati gubitak života, štetu infrastrukturi, povećanje rizika od požara i negativno utjecati na poljoprivredu i vodne resurse. Klimatske promjene također utječu negativno na ekosustave i na biološku raznolikost. Povećanje temperatura, promjene u oborinama i oceanske promjene dovode do promjena u staništima i migracijama životinjskih vrsta te tako dolazi do izumiranja vrsta, narušavanja lanca prehrane i slično.
Europski zeleni plan predstavlja sveobuhvatnu strategiju koja se bori protiv klimatskih promjena. Kroz različite politike i mjere, EU ima za cilj smanjiti emisije stakleničkih plinova, promicati održivu energetiku, poticati prijelaz na čistu industriju i obnovljive izvore energije, te očuvati i obnoviti ekosustave. Cilj je stvoriti održivu, klimatski neutralnu Europu koja će smanjiti negativne posljedice klimatskih promjena, zaštititi prirodu i osigurati bolju budućnost za sve građane.
Analizom Zelenog plana Europske unije zaključuje se da je plan ambiciozan i sveobuhvatan, no nužno je kontinuirano pratiti njegovu provedbu i prilagoditi politike novim okolnostima, posebno s obzirom na promjene u globalnoj ekonomiji i klimatskim uvjetima. Primarna snaga plana leži u kombinaciji dugoročnih ciljeva, poput klimatske neutralnosti do 2050. godine, te integriranih strategija u područjima energetike, industrije, poljoprivrede i očuvanja bioraznolikosti. Zeleni plan predstavlja potreban korak prema održivoj budućnosti, ali istovremeno nosi sa sobom velike izazove. Izuzetno je pozitivno to što stavlja klimatsku neutralnost i zaštitu okoliša u središte ekonomskih i društvenih promjena, te što potiče inovacije, kružno gospodarstvo i energetsku učinkovitost, jer je upravo u tim područjima ključ buduće konkurentnosti i razvoja novih radnih mjesta. Međutim, visoki troškovi i potrebna politička volja čine se kao potencijalni problemi na koje bi cijela ideja mogla naići. Činjenica da će godišnje biti potrebno oko 260 milijardi eura dodatnih ulaganja zvuči kao veliki teret, osobito u zemljama koje se već bore s ekonomskim poteškoćama.
Također, unatoč svemu što plan obećava, ostaje nejasno kako će se osigurati da tranzicija zaista bude pravedna. Iako se često spominje zaštita radnika i regija koje će biti najviše pogođene, neki dijelovi društva bi mogli ostati na marginama ovih promjena. U krajevima gdje su industrije ovisne o fosilnim gorivima ili u sektorima poput poljoprivrede, tranzicija bi mogla donijeti značajne gubitke, što bi moglo izazvati društvene tenzije. Osim toga, iako plan daje Europi ulogu globalnog lidera, činjenica je da klimatske promjene ne poznaju granice. Koliko god se EU trudi smanjiti emisije i postići održivost, ništa od toga neće biti dovoljno ako ostatak svijeta ne slijedi isti put.
Iako su ciljevi postavljeni jasno, njihova realizacija ovisi o zajedničkim naporima svih članica i sektora, kao i o suradnji na globalnoj razini, te prigodnom financiranju i tehnološkim inovacijama. Kvalitetna koordinacija između vlada, gospodarstva i građana također je presudna za uspješnost ovog plana. U konačnici, Zeleni plan EU-a predstavlja korak u pravom smjeru, ali zahtijeva stalno prilagođavanje i suradnju kako bi se postigla dugoročna održivost i klimatska otpornost. |
Abstract (english) | Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. Due to human activities, especially the increased emission of greenhouse gases, the atmospheric concentration of these gases has increased dramatically. One of the most important greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (CO2), which plays a key role in global warming, and it is precisely CO2 that is the reason for drawing up the Green Plan by the EU, which aims to neutralize the climate by 2030 or 2050.
CO2 is a gas that occurs naturally in the atmosphere, and the problem is that its concentration is increasing dramatically due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes and deforestation. CO2 is important because it acts as a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere, thus creating a greenhouse effect and warming the planet. Without the natural greenhouse effect, the Earth's temperature would be extremely cold, and there would be no conditions for life as we know it. Because it is used for warming, the change in the proportion of certain gases such as CO2 (although other gases also affect the increase of the greenhouse effect), additionally warms the atmosphere and can have a fatal effect on life on planet Earth.
Rising temperatures lead to extreme weather conditions such as heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. Such extreme weather events can cause loss of life, damage to infrastructure, increase the risk of fire and adversely affect agriculture and water resources. Climate change also has a negative impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. Increasing temperatures, changes in precipitation and oceanic changes lead to changes in habitats and migrations of animal species, thus causing extinction of species, disruption of the food chain, and the like.The European Green Plan is a comprehensive strategy to combat climate change. Through various policies and measures, the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable energy, encourage the transition to clean industry and renewable energy sources, and preserve and restore ecosystems. The goal is to create a sustainable, climate-neutral Europe that will reduce the negative consequences of climate change, protect nature and ensure a better future for all citizens.
The analysis of the Green Plan of the European Union concludes that the plan is ambitious and comprehensive, but it is necessary to continuously monitor its implementation and adapt policies to new circumstances, especially with regard to changes in the global economy and climate conditions. The primary strength of the plan lies in the combination of long-term goals, such as climate neutrality by 2050, and integrated strategies in the fields of energy, industry, agriculture and biodiversity conservation. The Green Plan represents a necessary step towards a sustainable future, but at the same time it brings with it great challenges. It is extremely positive that it places climate neutrality and environmental protection at the center of economic and social changes, and that it encourages innovation, circular economy and energy efficiency, because it is precisely in these areas that the key to future competitiveness and the development of new jobs is. However, the high costs and the required political will seem like potential problems that the whole idea could run into. The fact that around 260 billion euros of additional investment will be needed annually sounds like a huge burden, especially in countries that are already struggling with economic difficulties.The European Green Plan is a comprehensive strategy to combat climate change. Through various policies and measures, the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable energy, encourage the transition to clean industry and renewable energy sources, and preserve and restore ecosystems. The goal is to create a sustainable, climate-neutral Europe that will reduce the negative consequences of climate change, protect nature and ensure a better future for all citizens.
The analysis of the Green Plan of the European Union concludes that the plan is ambitious and comprehensive, but it is necessary to continuously monitor its implementation and adapt policies to new circumstances, especially with regard to changes in the global economy and climate conditions. The primary strength of the plan lies in the combination of long-term goals, such as climate neutrality by 2050, and integrated strategies in the fields of energy, industry, agriculture and biodiversity conservation. The Green Plan represents a necessary step towards a sustainable future, but at the same time it brings great challenges. It is extremely positive that it places climate neutrality and environmental protection at the center of economic and social changes, and that it encourages innovation, circular economy and energy efficiency, because it is precisely in these areas that the key to future competitiveness and the development of new jobs is. However, the high costs and the required politics will seem like potential problems that the whole idea could run into. The fact that around 260 billion euros of additional investment will be needed annually sounds like a huge burden, especially in countries that are already struggling with economic difficulties. |