Abstract | Predmet rada je analiza održivosti automobilske industrije na primjeru poduzeća Tesla Inc. Ciljevi rada se mogu podijeliti u teorijske i empirijske. Teorijski ciljevi rada su pojmovno odrediti održivi razvoj, njegove ciljeve i načela, te se osvrnuti na analizu autoindustrije s naglaskom na njezinu održivost. Empirijski cilj rada je analizirati i prikazati održivost autoindustrije na primjeru poduzeća Tesla Inc. Mnoga provedena istraživanja sugeriraju da je Tesla lider na tržištu autoindustrije električnih automobila kada se govori o održivom razvoju. Naime, istraživanja navode da je Tesla svoj poslovni model prilagodila kako bi poslovala u održivijem okruženju i sačuvala ugled poduzeća kao zelenog (Bohuncak, 2022). Sukladno do sada provedenim istraživanjima, u diplomskom radu se želi istražiti održivost autoindustrije upravo na primjeru poduzeća Tesla Inc.
Dok je početni naglasak bio usmjeren na smanjenje emisija stakleničkih plinova, automobilska industrija postupno obuhvaća nekoliko ciljeva održivog razvoja, uključujući one usmjerene na klimatske promjene, kvalitetu zraka, materijalni otpad, bioraznolikost, iscrpljivanje energije i vode.
U radu je fokus stavljen na analizu i sintezu stručne i znanstvene literature. Analizirali su se financijski izvještaji i ESG podaci poduzeća Tesla Inc. Koristile su se sljedeće metode: metoda analize, sinteze, indukcije i dedukcije, te metoda poslovne, strategijske i financijske analize. Analiza financijskih izvještaja poduzeća Tesla Inc. pokazala je da je prodaja automobila u
stalnom porastu od 2018. do 2023. godine, što je rezultiralo kontinuiranim povećanjem prihoda. Također, imovina poduzeća bilježila je rast u promatranom razdoblju, osim u 2019. godini, kada je došlo do smanjenja, no u kasnijim godinama ponovno je zabilježen rast. Tesla, kao nova energetska kompanija, ima veliku količinu superiornosti u odnosu na druge. Analiza ESG pokazatelja Tesle otkrila je da poduzeće ima značajne prednosti, osobito u pogledu smanjenja emisija štetnih plinova. Tesla se također istaknula odgovornim korištenjem resursa i energije, te održivim upravljanjem lancem opskrbe, čime je značajno poboljšala svoj ESG standard. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of the paper is the analysis of the sustainability of the automotive industry on the example of Tesla Inc. The objectives of the work can be divided into theoretical and empirical. The theoretical goals of the paper are to conceptually define sustainable development, its goals and principles, and to refer to the analysis of the auto industry with an emphasis on its sustainability. The empirical goal of the paper is to analyze and show the sustainability of the auto industry using the example of Tesla Inc.
Many conducted studies suggest that Tesla is the leader in the electric car industry when it comes to sustainable development. Namely, research indicates that Tesla has adapted its business model in order to operate in a more sustainable environment and preserve the company's reputation as a green company (Bohuncak, 2022). According to the research conducted thus far, the thesis aims to investigate the sustainability of the automotive industry through the example of Tesla Inc. While the initial focus of the automotive industry was on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it has gradually embraced several sustainable development goals, including those related to climate change, air quality, material waste, biodiversity, and the depletion of energy and water resources. The paper focused on analyzing and synthesizing both professional and scientific literature. Financial reports and ESG data from Tesla Inc. were analyzed. The following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction methods, as well as business, strategic, and financial analysis methods. The analysis of Tesla Inc.'s financial reports revealed that vehicle sales have been steadily increasing from 2018 to 2023, resulting in continuous revenue growth. Additionally, the company's assets showed growth during the observed period, except in 2019, when there was a decline, but in subsequent years, asset growth resumed. Tesla, as a highly innovative energy company, holds a significant advantage over its competitors. The analysis of Tesla's ESG indicators revealed that the company has substantial benefits, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Tesla has also stood out for its responsible use of resources and energy, as well as sustainable supply chain management, significantly improving its ESG standards. |