Abstract | Osobna potrošnja jedna je od najvažnijih komponenata svakog gospodarstva, čemu svjedoči činjenica da u prosjeku iznosi otprilike 60% BDP-a države. S druge strane, osobna štednja važna je za financijsku stabilnost ljudi, a posljedično i stabilnost gospodarstava u cjelini. Osobna potrošnja i štednja pod utjecajem su raznovrsnih faktora, a u ovome radu poseban fokus bit će na bihevioralnim i socioekonomskim faktorima. Navedeni faktori utječu na financijske odluke koje donosimo, a razumijevanje tih faktora ključno je za sve aktere jednog gospodarstva. Bihevioralni, odnosno psihološki faktori rezultat su mentalnih prečaca i iracionalnog razmišljanja oblikovanog emocijama i ograničenim kognitivnim sposobnostima koje doživljavaju svi ljudi. Nadalje, socioekonomski čimbenici poput razine dohotka, stupnja obrazovanja, stabilnosti zaposlenja te demografskih obilježja utječu na osobnu potrošnju i obrasce i mogućnosti štednje, doprinoseći razlikama u akumulaciji bogatstva i financijskoj (ne)stabilnosti. U radu su korišteni primarni i sekundarni izvori podataka. Sekundarni izvori podataka podrazumijevaju znanstvene radove i članke u časopisima, knjige te izvore s interneta i elektroničkih medija. Primarni izvori podataka prikupljeni su temeljem online anketnog upitnika. U ovome radu koristila se induktivna i deduktivna metoda, metoda analize i sinteze, metoda apstrakcije, metoda deskripcije, metoda kompilacije, metoda dokazivanja i opovrgavanja te metoda uzoraka. Analiza navedenih bihevioralnih i socioekonomskih faktora u radu ukazuje da su osobna potrošnja i štednja često formirane pod njihovim utjecajem. Ipak, potrebno je sagledati širu sliku jer se ovi nalazi ne mogu uvijek primijeniti na čitavu populaciju s obzirom da svaka osoba djeluje temeljem svojih jedinstvenih preferencija, osobnosti i specifičnih okolnosti, poput obiteljske situacije, kulture i slično. Slijedom navedenog, potrebna su daljnja sveobuhvatna istraživanja koja uzimaju u obzir raznolikost tih čimbenika kako bi se pružio potpuniji uvid u složenost financijskog ponašanja. |
Abstract (english) | Personal consumption is one of the most important components of any economy, as evidenced by the fact that it amounts to approximately 60% of a country's GDP on average. On the other hand, personal saving is important for people's financial stability and, consequently, the stability of economies as a whole. Personal consumption and saving are influenced by a variety of factors, and in this paper a special focus will be on behavioral and socioeconomic factors. These factors influence the financial decisions we make, and understanding these factors is crucial for all actors of an economy. Behavioral or psychological factors are the result of mental shortcuts and irrational thinking shaped by emotions and limited cognitive abilities that all people experience. Furthermore, socioeconomic factors such as income level, level of education, employment stability, and demographic characteristics influence personal consumption and saving patterns and opportunities, contributing to disparities in wealth accumulation and financial (in)stability. Primary and secondary data sources were used in this paper. Secondary data sources include scientific papers and journal articles, books, and sources from the Internet and electronic media. Primary data sources were collected on the basis of an online survey. Inductive and deductive methods, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of abstraction, the method of description, the method of compilation, the method of proof and disproof, and the method of samples were used in this paper. The analysis of the aforementioned behavioral and socioeconomic factors in this paper indicates that personal consumption and saving are often formed under their influence. However, it is necessary to look at the bigger picture because these findings cannot always be applied to the entire population, given that each person acts on the basis of their unique preferences, personality and specific circumstances, such as family situation, culture, and the like. Consequently, further comprehensive research is needed that takes into account the diversity of these factors in order to provide a more complete insight into the complexity of financial behaviour. |