Title Analiza investicijskog osiguranja života u Europskoj Uniji
Title (english) Analysis of unit-linked products in European Union
Author Sara Katulić
Mentor Maja Mihelja Žaja (mentor)
Committee member Drago Jakovčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihovil Anđelinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Suvremeno doba iziskuje novitete u svim područjima i na svim tržištima stoga ne čudi kako se isti fenomen pojavio i na polju osiguranja života. Razvojem tržišta dionica kreirao se novi proizvod koji sačinjava sinergiju investiranja na financijskom tržištu, ali i ulaganje u životna osiguranja. Takav proizvod naziva se investicijsko osiguranje života, a javilo se sredinom prošlog stoljeća na anglosaksonskom tržištu pod nazivom unit linked products, dok je u Europskoj Uniji doživjelo procvat nakon 90-ih godina. Stoga je cilj ovog rada prikazati prednosti investicijskog osiguranja života naspram tradicionalnog životnog osiguranja koje se najviše očituju u činjenici kako je njima moguć viši prinos, međutim, prisutan je i veći rizik jer sam ishod ovisi o stanju cijena dionica u koje se investira. Nadalje, cilj rada jest analizirati tržišta investicijskog osiguranja života i to na području Europske Unije, te posebno Republike Hrvatske. Za potrebe rada korištene su znanstvene metode počevši s povijesnom metodom koja tumači sam razvoj investicijskog osiguranja života. Slijedi metoda analize i sinteze podataka, te njihova komparacija i deskripcija, metoda klasifikacije podataka, te metoda kompilacije kojom su se potkrijepili stavovi autora brojnih publikacija za konkretno definiranje određenih pojmova. Uzevši u obzir financijsku krizu koja nastupa 2007. godine, ne čudi kako u 2009. godini sve zemlje bilježe negativan trend premija osiguranja, no ono što je ključno u analizi jest da većina zemalja, naspram predkrizne 2006. godine, bilježi pad investicijskog osiguranja života i u 2012. godini, za razliku od premija ostalih vrsta osiguranja koja su se počela oporavljati kao i ostatak tržišta. Analizirajući Europsku Uniju vidljivo je kako najveće oscilacije bilježi Italija koja ujedno bilježi i najveći udio premija investicijskog osiguranja života. Analizom podataka Republike Hrvatske koji su preuzeti od strane HANFA-e, vidljivo je povećanje zaračunatih bruto premija od 2008. godine u ukupnom tržištu osiguranja, te isto tako i u premijama životnih osiguranja. Međutim, situacija s premijama investicijskog osiguranja života ista je kao i kod ostatka Europske Unije. One kontinuirano bilježe pad. Pretpostavka je kako će budućnost tržišta osiguranja nastaviti svoje osnaživanje na cijelom prostoru Europske Unije. Međutim, zanimljivo će biti promatrati daljnji razvoj investicijskog osiguranja života.
Abstract (english) The modem era demands innovations in all areas and in all markets so it is not surprising that the same phenomenon appeared in the field of life insurance. The development of the stock market has created a new product that constitutes the synergy of investments in the financial market, but also an investment in life insurance. Such products are called unit linked and they firstly appeared in the middle of the last century in the Anglo-Saxon market while in the European Union experienced a boom after 90's. The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the benefits of the unit linked products, as opposed to traditional life insurance, that are most evident in the fact that there is a possibility to make more money. However, risk is also higher because the outcome depends on the value of stock prices in which the investment is made. Furthermore, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the market of unit linked products in the European Union, and more specifically, in Croatia. For the purposes of the thesis following scientific methods were used, starting with the historical method that interpreted the development of investment life insurance. Next are methods of analysis and synthesis of data and their comparison and description, method of data classification and method of compilation which is corroborating numerous publications of different authors to define certain terms. Given the financial crisis that followed in 2007, it is not surprising that in 2009 all countries recorded a negative trend in insurances market. The crucial thing in the analyze is data that shows that in almost all countries, compared to pre-crisis 2006, unit linked products are decreased in 2012 unlike other types of insurance premiums, which have begun to recover as the rest of the market. Analyzing the European Union shows that the highest variation is recorded in Italy, which also recorded the highest share of unit linked premiums. Regarding the data analysis of the Croatian market that was taken over by HANFA, an increase appeared of gross premiums in 2008 in the total insurance market, and also in life insurance premiums. However, the situation with the unit linked products was the same as in the rest of the European Union. They continuously decreased. The assumption is that the future of the insurance market will continue on its empowerment throughout all of the European Union, however, it will be interesting to observe the further development of the unit linked products.
investicijsko osiguranje života
tradicionalno osiguranje života
tržište osiguranja u Europskoj Uniji
tržište osiguranja u Hrvatskoj
premije investicijskog osiguranja života
Keywords (english)
unit linked products
traditional life insurance
the insurance market in the European Union
the Croatian insurance market
investment life insurance premiums
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:256482
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
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Created on 2016-10-12 12:43:59