Abstract | Promjene koje nastaju u procesu globalizacije pogađaju i mlađe i starije generacije. Velik broj mladih ljudi po završetku srednjoškolskog obrazovanja odlučuje upisati fakultet što im daje sigurnost za budućnost. Ipak, dio se studenata odlučuje na produživanje studiranja zbog nemogućnosti pronalaska posla odmah nakon završetka fakulteta. Među mladima koji studiraju popularan je rad preko studentskog servisa koji omogućava studentima određenu zaradu i sigurnost kako bi mogli financirati produljenje godine na fakultetu. U jednu ruku, rad uz studiranje je vrlo dobra podloga za učenje novog i primjenjivanje naučenog u struci. Mnogim mladim ljudima je rad uz studiranje bio veliki poticaj za pokretanje vlastitog biznisa po završetku studija jer su iskusili što znači raditi i studirati. Mnogi su dobili ponude za stalno zaposlenje što im je također bilo korisno zbog stvaranja budućeg kapitala za otvaranje vlastite tvrtke ili obrta.
U današnje vrijeme mlade osobe, prije kretanja u vlastite poduzetničke vode, mogu potražiti ideju, savjet ili preporuku u poduzetničkim inkubatorima koji su raspoređeni po Republici Hrvatskoj u gotovo svim gradovima. Problem nije činjenica da mladima nedostaju ideje, već početni kapital, a situaciju dodatno kompliciraju bankarski sustav i njihovi uvjeti, birokracija i
brojna papirologija te nedostatak osnovnih sredstava za rad kao što su poslovni prostor i računala. Dolaskom u poduzetnički inkubator budući poduzetnik može dobiti odgovore na pitanja iz pravnog, financijskog, računovodstvenog aspekta. Uz pomoć mnogobrnojnih poduzetničkih infrastruktura budući se poduzetnik može javiti na natječaje i ostvariti mnoge pogodnosti koje natječaj nudi. Osim infrastruktura, Europska unija potiče rast poduzetništva mladih te uz odličan poslovni projekt mladi poduzetnik može dobiti bespovratna sredstva od Europske unije koja će mu uvelike pomoći u poslovanju. |
Abstract (english) | The changes that occur in the process of globalization affect both young and old. After finishing high school, majority of young people decide to continue their education at an university, which gives them security for the future. However, many of them also prolong their studies due to the impossibility of finding a job immediately after graduating. Student work is very popular amoung young people who are studying, as it provides the students with a certain income and security that they can pay for an extension of their studying year. On one hand, working while studying is a very good basis for learning something new and applying what is learned in the profession. For many young people, working while studying was a great incentive to start their own business upon completing their degree because they experienced what it means to work and study. Many were offered permanent employment, which also came in handy for future capital to start their own business.
Nowdays, before embarking on their own entrepreneurial venture, young people can search for an idea, advice or recommendation in business incubators that are widely spread throughout cities in the Republic of Croatia. Young people do not lack ideas, as the problem is the initial capital, banking system and their conditions, bureaucracy, and basic means of work such as space and computers. By coming to the business incubator, the future entrepreneur can get answers to questions from real, financial and accounting aspects. With the assistance of various entrepreneurial infrastructures, the future entrepreneur can apply for tenders and realize many benefits that the tender offers. In addition to infrastructure, the European Union encourages the growth of youth entrepreneurship, and with an excellent business project, a young entrepreneur can receive a grant from the European Union that will greatly help him in business. |