Abstract | Prijevoz unutarnjom plovidbom u povijesti imao je veliki značaj za ljude jer je omogućavao prijevoz velikih količina inputa koji su bili neophodni radi konstantnih proširenja gradova i njihovih potreba za građevinskim materijalom, ali i sve većim količinama hrane i raznih materijala koji su bili dostupni samo u nekoliko gradova, pa su se morali prevoziti plovilima unutarnjim vodama do odredišta. Također su se pojavljivale potrebe radi trgovine jer primjerice Baltičke zemlje u 14. stoljeću su bile jako veliki izvoznici ribe, ali nisu imali dovoljne količine soli kako bi te količine postale i veće. Zato je HANZA odlučila iskopati kanal koji će spojiti grad Lübeck s Baltikom i tako omogućiti povećan izlov ribe, a time i pospješiti ekonomski izgled zemalja Baltika, ali i Lübecka. To je ujedno i prvi umjetni kanal u Europi koji je povezao rijeku Elbu s Baltičkim morem. Svi izgrađeni umjetni kanali usko su povezani uz ekonomiju Europe i svaki je donio novi, bolji i jači impuls u zemlje okruženja gdje se taj kanal iskopao. Tako je unutarnja plovidba bila jako važan dio europskog transporta, no pojavom brzih autocesta i sve modernijih željeznica 30-tih godina 20. stoljeća, ista gubi na važnosti. Europska unija unazad 20 godina daje jake napore kako bi poboljšala status unutarnje plovidbe u prometu, te je zato i regulirala isto Direktivom EU 2016/1629, 2016. Najsnažnije europske zemlje u unutarnjoj plovidbi, radi svog povijesnog statusa, ali i geografskog položaja, su zemlje kroz koje protječe Rajna, a to su Nizozemska, Njemačka i Belgija, te Francuska koja je blizu nje. Te zemlje imaju najveće flote, a po modernizaciji se najviše ističu Nizozemska i Belgija jer se kod njih tonaža po broju brodova povećala, što znači da su te zemlje uložile u novu flotu plovila s većom nosivosti. Kod Njemačke i Francuske to nije slučaj. Dunavska flota je mnogo manja od onih zapadne Europe, ali je važna radi prijevoza tekućeg tereta, ponajprije nafte, ka zemljama zapada. Zanimljivo je da se broj zaposlenih u prijevozu dobara unutarnjom plovidbom svake godine smanjuje dok se broj zaposlenih u putničkom prijevozu zadnjih godina povećava. Razlog tomu je taj što razvojem kruzerskog turizma raste i prijevoz turista velikim kruzerima po rijekama Europe. To su ponajprije turisti iz Sjeverne Amerike koji su željni upoznavanja povijesti europskih gradova. Unutarnjom plovidbom se i dalje prevoze najviše metalne rude, koks, nafta i naftni derivati jer su to materijali koji su potrebni u velikim količinama, a plovila imaju veće kapacitete od primjerice kamiona ili vlakova. |
Abstract (english) | Historicaly, inland navigation was very important for people because it enabled transformation of large amount of inputs which were very important for the constant expansion of cities and their needs for building materials, but also in increasing quantities of food and various materials that were only available in few cities, so they have to be transported by inland waterway vessels to their destinations. Needs for trade also arose for example Baltic states in the 14th century were very large exporters of fish but did not have sufficient quantities of salt to make those quantities even greater. That is why HANZA decided to dig a canal that will connect the city of Lübeck with the Baltic and thus enable increased fishing, and thus improve the economic appearance of the Baltic countries, but also Lübeck. It is also the first artificial canal in Europe which connected the Elbe River and Baltic Sea. All artificial canals are closely linked to the european economy and each has brought new, better and stronger impulse to the surrounding countries where that canal has been excavated. Thus, inland navigation was a very important part of European transport, but with the appearance of highways and increasingly modern railways in the 1930s, it lost its importance. The European Union has been making strong efforts for the past 20 years to improve the status of inland waterway transport, and therefore has regulated it with EU Directive 2016/1629, 2016. The strongest European countries in inland navigation, due to their historical status and geographical position, are the countries through which the Rhine flows, and those are the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and France, which is close to it. These countries have the largest fleets, and the Netherlands and Belgium stand out the most in terms of modernization, because their tonnage has increased in terms of the number of ships, which means that these countries have invested in a new fleet of vessels with higher carrying capacity. This is not the case with Germany and France. The Danube fleet is much smaller than that of western Europe, but it is important for the transport of liquid cargo, primarily oil, to western countries. It is interesting that the number of employees in the transport of goods by inland navigation is decreasing every year, while the number of employees in passenger transport has been increasing in recent years. The reason for this is that with the development of cruise tourism, the transport of tourists by large cruisers on the rivers of Europe is also growing. These are primarily tourists from North America who are eager to learn about the history of European cities. Inland navigation still transports the most metal ores, coke, oil and petroleum products because these are materials that are needed in large quantities, and vessels have higher capacities than, for example, trucks or trains. |