Title Razvoj i značaj industrije video igara
Title (english) Development and importance of the video game industry
Author Ivan Grizelj
Mentor Ivan Strugar (mentor) MBZ: 171803
Committee member Ivan Strugar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božidar Jaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Spremić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Informatics
Abstract Industrija video igara je prilično mlada industrija, međutim svojim aktivnim djelovanjem na tržištu kao i konstantnim razvijanjem, postala je jedna od najprofitabilnijih industrija na svijetu, generirajući 175 milijardi dolara prihoda 2020. godine. Izuzev ogromne zarade koja će biti iz godine u godine sve veća, posebna karakteristika industrije video igara, što se segmenti unutar industrije razvijaju na način da se promiču nove tehnologije i inovacije, ponajviše kako bi se iskustvo video
... More igranja podiglo na novu razinu. Naposljetku, takav razvoj rezultira utjecajem na druge industrije koje prisvajaju te iste nove tehnologije razvijene unutar industrije video igara implementirajući ih u svoje svrhe. Značajan utjecaj industrije se osjeti osobito preko potrošača kojih je 2020. godine zabilježeno približno 2,8 milijarde. Kako bi se prikazalo stanje hrvatskih potrošača na tržištu video igara, anketnim istraživanjem prikupljeni su primarni podaci stanovnika Republike Hrvatske, koji služe za prikaz i analizu potrošnje na tržištu video igara, igraćih konzola i slično. Radi stvaranja bolje slike domaće potrošnje i navike domaćih potrošača uspoređeni su sa prikupljenim sekundarnim podacima vezanih uz svjetsku potrošnju. Međutim osim potrošnje, anketa služi za prikaz stavova i mišljenja Hrvata o industriji video igara i drugih vezanih industrija, poput eSporta. Cilj rada je prikaz utjecaja ove brzorastuće industrije na druge industrije i njihove tehnologije, ali i prikaz značaja industrije video igara koji ostvaruje na tržištu kroz analizu navika svjetskih i domaćih potrošača, kao i njihovih stavova. Razjašnjeno kroz predmet rada koji obuhvaća prikaz razvoja industrije od arkadnih početaka do danas, zatim prikaz primjera utjecaja na druge industrije kao i anketno istraživanje domaćih potrošača. Osim čega se u radu također opisuju efekti globalne pandemije na industriju, kao i što industriju video igara očekuje u budućnosti, odnosno u njenom novom stadiju razvoja. Less
Abstract (english) The video game industry is a young industry, however with its active engagement in the market as well as constant development that industry goes through, it has become one of the most profitable industries in the world, generating $ 175 billion in revenue in 2020. Apart from the huge earnings that is increasing year by year, a special feature of the video game industry is that the segments within the industry are evolving in a way where it promotes new technologies and innovations,
... More mostly to take the video game experience to a new level. Ultimately, such developments result in an impact on other industries appropriating those same new technologies developed within the video game industry by implementing them for their own purposes. The significant impact of the industry is felt especially through consumers, who in 2020 recorded approximately 2.8 billion. In order to show the situation of Croatian consumers in the video game market, the survey collected primary data from the population of the Republic of Croatia, which are used to display and analyze consumption in the market of video games, game consoles, etc. In order to create a better picture of domestic consumption and the habits of domestic consumers, they were compared with the collected secondary data related to world consumption. However, in addition to consumption, the survey shows the attitudes and opinions of Croatian population about the video game industry and other related industries, such as eSport. The aim of this paper is to show the impact of this fast-growing industry on other industries and their technologies, but also to show the importance of the video game industry in the market through the analysis of habits of global and domestic consumers and their opinions. Clarified through the subject of the paper, which includes a review of the development of the industry from the arcade beginnings to the present day, then a review of examples of the impact on other industries as well as a survey of domestic consumers. In addition, the paper also describes the effects of the global pandemic on the industry, as well as what the video game industry can expect in the future, i.e., in its new stage of development. Less
Video igre
virtualna stvarnost
umjetna inteligencija
Keywords (english)
Video games
virtual reality
artificial intelligence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:015763
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-04 17:01:04