Title Zadovoljstvo i lojalnost kupaca maloprodajnih lanaca u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Satisfaction and loyalty of customers of retail chains in the Republic of Croatia
Author Sofija Lojen
Mentor Miroslav Mandić (mentor)
Committee member Miroslav Mandić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vranešević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Palić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Marketing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Danas se poduzeća suočavaju sa sve većom konkurencijom. U takvom kompetitivnom okruženju važno je biti bolji od konkurenata te privući i zadržati što veći broj kupaca jer je izgradnja dugoročnih odnosa s kupcima i ponovna kupnja ključ uspjeha svakog poduzeća. Dobije li kupac u transakciji vrijednost koju procjenjuje izvrsnom u usporedbi s ponudom konkurentskih poduzeća, on će biti jako zadovoljan, ponovit će transakciju te biti spreman preporučiti poduzeće ili proizvod drugima. To za poduzeće znači prvenstveno manje operativne troškove i troškove marketinga. Cilj ovog rada istraživanje je zadovoljstva i lojalnosti kupaca maloprodajnih lanaca u Republici Hrvatskoj, a u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 125 ispitanika. Ispitivala se važnost određenih čimbenika koji utječu na izbor maloprodajnog lanca, zadovoljstvo istima pri kupnji u maloprodajnom lancu, sveukupno zadovoljstvo i lojalnost, a dan je i uvid u kupovne navike ispitanika. Fokus rada usmjeren je na ispitivanje utjecaja nekoliko skupina čimbenika na zadovoljstvo kupaca: ponuda proizvoda, cijene, fizičko okružje prodavaonice i kvaliteta usluge; kao i na ispitivanje lojalnosti kupaca. Analizom dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su ispitanici zadovoljni maloprodajnim lancem u kojem kupuju, najvažnija im je svježina i kvaliteta proizvoda, širok asortiman proizvoda, odgovarajuća lokacija maloprodajnog lanca i odgovarajuće radno vrijeme. Najmanje su im važne dodatne usluge, osvjetljenje i jednostavan povrat ili zamjena proizvoda. Ispitanici su izrazili najveće zadovoljstvo lokacijom i radnim vremenom prodavaonice u kojoj najčešće kupuju, kvalitetom i širinom asortimana i vrijednosti kupovne košarice za novac. Najmanje su zadovoljni dodatnim uslugama, brzinom osoblja na blagajni te urednosti i čistoćom prodavaonice. Lojalnost kupaca ispitivala se putem šest pitanja te se može zaključiti da su kupci lojalni prodavaonici u kojoj kupuju i planiraju nastaviti kupovati u istoj, ali ih se može nazvati funkcionalnim lojalistima jer im nedostaje emocionalna komponenta i relativno lako mogu prijeći kod konkurencije ako im oni ponude bolju opciju. Maloprodajni lanci moraju se usredotočiti na one čimbenike kojima kupci pridaju veliku važnost kao i na one kojima su kupci najmanje zadovoljni kako bi postali superiorniji od konkurenata i izgradili i održali dugoročne odnose s kupcima.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, companies are facing increasing competition. In such a competitive environment, it is essential to be better than your competitors and to appeal and keep as many clients as possible, because building long-term customer relationships and repurchasing is crutial for the sucess of any company. If the customer gets a value in the transaction that he considers excellent compared to the offer of competing companies, he will be very satisfied, repeat the transaction and be ready to recommend the company to others. This means primarily lower operating and marketing costs for the company. In this paper, the satisfaction and loyalty of customers of retail chains in the Republic of Croatia were investigated, and 125 respondents participated in the research. The importance of certain factors influencing the choice of the retail chain, satisfaction with the same factors when buying in the retail chain, overall satisfaction, and loyalty was examined, and an insight into the purchasing habits of the respondents was given. The focus of this thesis is the research of several groups of factors on customer satisfaction: product offering, prices, physical environment and the quality of service, and three hypotheses have been set. It can be concluded that the respondents are satisfied with the retail chain in which they purchase. The most important factor for them is that the store products are fresh and quality, that the range of products offered is wide and that the retail chain is in an adequate location with appropriate working hours. Less important to them are additional services, lighting, and easy product return. Respondents expressed the greatest satisfaction with the location and working hours of the store where they most often shop, the quality, breadth of the range and the value for money. They are least satisfied with the additional services, the speed at the checkout and the tidiness and cleanliness of the store. Customer loyalty was examined through six questions and based on the results it can be concluded that customers are loyal to the stores where they buy and plan to continue buying in the same store. They can be called functional loyalists because they lack the emotional component and can easily replace retailers with the competitors. Retail chains need to focus on those factors to which customers attach great importance as well as those which customers are least satisfied with in order to be superior to competitors and to build and maintain long-term relationships.
maloprodajni lanci
fizičko okružje
Keywords (english)
retail chains
physical environment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:217619
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-08 15:10:41