Title Percepcija ulagača pri izboru ulaganja u otvorene investicijske fondove s javnom ponudom
Title (english) Investor’s perception when choosing open end investment funds with a public offering
Author Karla Štimac
Mentor Jakša Krišto (mentor) MBZ: 286511
Committee member Dajana Barbić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Solenički (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Finance) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Finance
Abstract Sve izraženiji problem današnjice u Hrvatskoj, u Europi, naposljetku i globalno je problem starenja stanovništva i njegov nepovoljni utjecaj na javne mirovinske sustave, te problem pojedinca da si osigura štednju i adekvatan život u trećoj životnoj dobi. Shodno tome, problematizira se i naglašava važnost kapitalizacije i institucionalizacije štednje kroz ulaganje u različite oblike investicijskih fondova od početka radnog odnosa pojedinca. Tako odluku pri odabiru investicijskog fonda čini niz čimbenika poput prinosa, profitabilnosti, primanja, sklonosti prema riziku, ali i dovoljnoj informiranosti pojedinca i pristup informacijama. Dok su mnogi autori istraživali i analizirali rizik te spremnost investitora preuzimanju rizika pri ulaganju u određeni oblik štednje, ostaje nedovoljno objašnjen afinitet potrošača i njihove percepcije pri odabiru ulaganja u investicijske fondove i uloga zelenih ulaganja pri donošenju odluke. U skladu s navedenim, cilj ovog diplomskog rada je istražiti ulogu utjecaja određenih faktora pri formiranju odluke potrošača i afinitet potrošača pri odabiru oblika dugoročne institucionalizirane štednje kroz ulaganje u investicijske fondove. Nadalje, ispitat će se i percepcija ulagača o novim oblicima ulaganja poput zelenih ulaganja te njihov utjecaj na razvoj navedenih oblika sa ciljem održivosti i ekološke osviještenosti. Kako bi se ostvario postavljeni cilj, provest će se jednokratno istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika u kojem će se ispitanicima postaviti pitanja s ciljem istraživanja percepcije potrošača pri izboru otvorenih investicijskih fondova s javnom ponudom. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja zaključuje se da je radi razvijanja gospodarstva, očuvanja stabilnosti financijskog sustava, održivosti mirovinskih sustava i ekološke osviještenosti potrebno sustavno provesti edukaciju potrošača i upoznati ih sa načinom upravljanjem novcem i važnosti štednje za mirovinu i budućnost. Uz to, može se zaključiti da postoji interes potrošača za ulaganjem viška svojih novčanih sredstava u alternativne oblike ulaganja. Ovim radom nastojat će se donijeti doprinos financijskim stručnjacima u boljem spoznavanju afiniteta potrošača pri izboru dugoročnog oblika štednje u vidu investicijskih fondova, ali i ostalim stručnjacima kojima je cilj ponuditi najkvalitetniju uslugu ulagačima bilo kroz različite oblike investicijskih fondova ili kroz nove vrste fondova temeljene na održivosti i ekološkoj osviještenosti.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, the increasingly pronounced problem in Croatia, Europe and ultimately globally is the problem of aging population with its adverse impact on public pension systems and the problem of the individual to ensure savings and adequate life in old age. Consequently, the importance of capitalization and institutionalization of savings through investment in various forms of investment funds from the beginning of an individual's employment is problematized and emphasized. Thus, the decision when choosing an investment fund is made by several factors such as return, profitability, income, risk appetite, but also sufficient information of the individual and access to that information. While many authors have researched and analysed the risk and willingness of investor to take risks when investing in a particular form of savings, the affinity of consumers and their perceptions in choosing investment in mutual funds and the role of green investment in decision-making remain insufficiently explained. Accordingly, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of the influence of certain factors in shaping consumer decision and consumer affinity in choosing the form of long-term institutionalized savings through investment in investment funds. Furthermore, investors' perceptions of new forms of investment such as green investments and their impact on the development of these forms with the aim of sustainability and environmental awareness will be examined. To achieve the set goal, one-time research will be conducted through a questionnaire in which respondents will be asked questions with the aim of researching consumer perception when choosing open-end investment funds with a public offering. Based on the research, it is concluded that to develop the economy, preserve the stability of the financial system, sustainability of pension systems and environmental awareness, it is necessary to systematically educate consumers and introduce them to money management and the importance of saving for retirement and future. In addition, it can be concluded that there is consumer interest in investing their savings in alternative forms of investment. This paper will seek to contribute to financial experts in better understanding the affinity of consumers when choosing a long-term form of savings in the form of investment funds, but also other experts who aim to offer the highest quality service to investors either through various forms of investment funds or through new types of funds based on sustainability and environmental awareness.
otvoreni investicijski fondovi s javnom ponudom
zelena ulaganja
ponašanje potrošača
anketni upitnik
Keywords (english)
open-end investment funds with a public offering
green investment
consumer behaviour
survey questionnaire
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:527596
Study programme Title: Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-29 08:39:02