Title (english) Problems of procurement and delivery of internet store goods during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author Viktorija Štukar
Mentor Jasna Prester (mentor) MBZ: 256870
Committee member Tomislav Hernaus (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Aleksić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Pojavom COVID-19 pandemije virusa nabava i isporuka proizvoda trgovinskim je poduzećima značajno otežana, donekle i onemogućena, pogotovo u slučaju međunarodne trgovine. Mjere državne zaštite i prevencije širenja virusa otežale su poslovanje ne samo u operativnom smislu već su uvelike utjecale na potrebe i razmišljanje potrošača. Širenje straha i opće panike uzrokovalo je pad prodaje svim poduzećima koja se ne bave prodajom za život neophodnih namirnica. Nabava i isporuka robe jedne su od najvažnijih funkcija svakog trgovinskog poduzeća, te su uslijed COVID-19 pandemije uvelike ugrožene. Ako se ne provode redovito, tvrtke neće moći ispunjavati svoje definirane ciljeve. Trgovine bi kao posrednici na tržištu između proizvođača i kupaca trebale raspolagati minimalnim količinama proizvoda/artikala/robe koji služe za daljnju prodaju i zadovoljavanje različitih potreba kupaca. Međutim kriza lanca opskrbe koja je započela u Kini u veljači 2020 godine i šok potražnje koji je uslijedio kad se globalno gospodarstvo zatvorilo, učinila je ranjivima funkcije nabave i isporuke roba diljem svijeta. Privremena trgovinska ograničenja i nestašica farmaceutskih proizvoda, kritičnih medicinskih potrepština i drugih proizvoda u prvi su plan iznjedirile organizacijske slabosti. Da bi se poduzeće uspješno pozicioniralo i diferenciralo na tržištu od drugih konkurentskih poduzeća treba razviti kvalitetniji i prepoznatljiviji imidž. Što je taj imidž kvalitetniji i prepoznatljiv, to su veće šanse da će ono biti odabrano za daljnju kupovinu. S druge strane, ako je imidž poduzeća negativan, vjerojatnije je da ono neće biti poželjno i odabrano za nastavak nabave proizvoda. Uslijed imenovane egzogene ugroze COVID-19 internetske trgovine stavljene su pred određene organizacijske izazove, od kojih je ključno bilo pozitivno odgovoriti na funkciju nabave, te po potrebi istu strateški dispergirati, a ne više toliko koncentrirati na ekskluzivne ponuđače/proizvođače. Podredno, potrebnim se pokazalo strateški reorganizirati isporuku dobara, kako bi se proizvodi i u uvjetima pandemije isporučili do krajnjih kupaca. U empirijskom dijelu rada proveden je dubinski intervjui na četiri ispitanika o razvoju i poslovanju internetskih trgovina kojima upravljaju, s osvrtom na proces nabave, prikaz informacija na internetskim trgovinama te dostavi, odnosno načinima i izmjenama dostave naručenih roba u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19.
Abstract (english) With the advent of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the procurement and delivery of products to trade companies has been significantly hampered, somewhat hampered, especially in the case of international trade. State protection and virus prevention measures have hampered business not only in operational terms but have greatly influenced consumer needs and thinking. The spread of fear and general panic has caused a drop in sales to all companies that are not engaged in the sale of necessities for life. Procurement and delivery of goods is one of the most important functions of any trading company, and they are greatly endangered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If they are not implemented regularly, companies will not be able to meet their defined goals. As intermediaries in the market between shops and customers, stores should have minimum quantities of products / items / goods that serve to resell and meet different customer needs. However, the supply chain crisis that began in China in February 2020 and the demand shock that followed when the global economy closed the supply and delivery functions of goods around the world. Temporary trade restrictions and shortages of pharmaceuticals, critical medical supplies and other products have brought organizational weaknesses to the fore. In order for a company to successfully position and differentiate itself on the market from other competing companies, it is necessary to develop a better and more recognizable image. The better and more recognizable this image is, the greater the chances that it will be chosen for further purchase. On the other hand, if the company's image is negative, it is more likely that it will not be desirable and selected to continue purchasing the product. COVID-19 online stores were faced with certain organizational challenges, of which the key was to respond positively to the procurement function, and if necessary strategically disperse it, rather than concentrating so much on exclusive suppliers / manufacturers. In the alternative, it proved necessary to strategically reorganize the delivery of goods, so that products could be delivered to end customers. In the empirical part of the paper, in-depth interviews were conducted with four respondents on the development and operation of online stores they manage, with reference to the procurement process, presentation of information on online stores and delivery, i.e. methods and changes of delivery of ordered goods during the COVID-19 pandemic.
internetska trgovina
nabave robe internetske trgovine
utjecaj COVID-19 na internetske trgovine
Keywords (english)
e-commerce procurement
impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:508616
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-04-11 08:29:56