Abstract | U razvoju i širenju kulturnih i kreativnih industrija veliki utjecaj ima tehnologija koja otvara vrata brojne mogućnosti, ali ostavlja i posljedice. Tehnologija je temeljna u cijelom poslovanju, od proizvodnje do prodaje preko distribucije, transporta, promocije i nabave, odnosno u svim segmentima i bez nje organizacija ne može poslovati. Postoje razne vrste tehnologija i svaka ima svoj utjecaj i važnost. Uz tehnologiju, organizacije mogu postići cijeli novi spektar prednosti i imati drugačiji utjecaj na svaku od pet Porterovih konkurentskih snaga. Kulturne i kreativne industrije imaju mnogo različitih sektora i ne postoji jedinstvena podjela. Obim ovih sektora je različit, pa je potrebno utvrditi koji su od ovih sektora važni, a koji nam daju najmanji potencijal. Za organizacije je važan korak da se usredotoče na sektore koji imaju najveći potencijal. Važnost je, između ostalog, u udjelu ovih djelatnosti u ukupnom BDP-u i broju zaposlenih. Diplomski rad je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi teorijski dio je o tehnologiji, njenim granama i strategijama te o kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama, njihovim sektorima i njihovoj važnosti. Drugi dio temelji se na empirijskom istraživanju o interesima ispitanika za kulturne i kreativne industrije i mogućnostima koje one pružaju te tehnologiji i aplikacijama koje su najbolje za te industrije. Prema provedenom istraživanju zaključeno je da tehnologija ima velik utjecaj na kulturne i kreativne industrije te da im donosi brojne prednosti, ali i nedostatke. Stoga treba biti vrlo oprezan i dobro razmisliti i istražiti prije nego što se odluči kako i na koji način će se tehnologija primijeniti. Tehnologija je nešto što se stalno mijenja i gdje su za opstanak potrebne stalne inovacije, a tako je i s kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama, što još jednom potvrđuje da je primjena tehnologije neophodna u kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama. |
Abstract (english) | In the development and spreading of cultural and creative industries, a huge influence has been technology which opens up many possibilities but leaves consequences too. Technology is fundamental in the entire business, from producing to selling through distribution, transport, promotion, and purchase, in other words, in all segments, and an organization can't exist without it. There are all sorts of technology and each one has influence and importance on its own. With technology, organizations can achieve a whole new spectrum of advantages and have a different impact on each of Porter's five competitive forces. The cultural and creative industries have many different sectors and do not exist in a unique classification. The volume of these sectors is different, so it's necessary to establish which of these sectors are important and which provide us with the lowest potential. It is an important step for organizations to put their focus on sectors that have the most potential. The importance, among other things, is in the share of these industries in total GDP and the number of employees. The graduation thesis is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part is about technology, its branches, and strategies and about cultural and creative industries, their sectors, and their importance. The second part is based on empirical research about respondents' interests in cultural and creative industries and possibilities they provide and the technology and applications which are the best for these industries. According to the conducted research, it was concluded that technology has a great influence on the cultural and creative industries and that it brings them numerous advantages but also disadvantages. Therefore, one should be very careful and think carefully and research before deciding how and in what way the technology will be applied. Technology is something that is constantly changing and where constant innovation is needed to survive, and so it is with the cultural and creative industries, which once again confirms that applying technology is necessary for the cultural and creative industries. |