Abstract | Suvremeno poslovno okruženje zahtijeva visoko obrazovane stručnjake koji će se uspješno suočavati s izazovima u poslovanju. Upravo je to razlog rastuće potražnje za MBA (Master in Business Administration) diplomom koja je simbol akademske izvrsnosti i razvoja konkurentnih vještina i znanja pojedinaca. Studij poslovnog upravljanja (MBA) među najcjenjenijim je studijima u poslovnom okruženju, te okuplja ambiciozne pojedince različitih specijalizacija i aspiracija. Neprestanim rastom potražnje za ovim studijem, raste i ponuda programa na tržištu. Sukladno tome, kako bi obrazovne institucije uspjele održati ugled i unaprijediti kvalitetu svojih programa, te potaknuti studente na odabir upravo njihovog studija, potrebno je istražiti koji su motivi upisa MBA studija, te što i kako oblikuje zadovoljstvo njihovih polaznika. Upravo je to bio i cilj istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada za čije je potrebe korišteno opisno kvantitativno istraživanje na namjernom (prigodnom) uzorku polaznika MBA studija, a instrument istraživanja bio je anketni upitnik. Kao nadopuna rezultatima upitnika, provedeno je i izviđajno kvalitativno istraživanje, pri čemu je korišteni instrument bio vodič za dubinski intervju. Anketni upitnik i vodič za intervju su za potrebe rada bili prilagođeni ljestvicama korištenim u sljedećem radu: Scaringella i sur. (2022.). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su motivi upisa studija i
zadovoljstvo istim usko povezani. Pojedinci upisuju MBA studij sa željom unaprjeđenja znanja i vještina, napretka u karijeri, povećanja plaće, te očekuju da će po završetku ta očekivanja biti ispunjena. Svoje zadovoljstvo uglavnom temelje na stručnosti i znanju predavača, odnosu predavača prema studentima i kulturi, korisnosti i relevantnosti kolegija, dostupnosti fakultetskog osoblja, konceptu programa, prostoru u kojem se izvode predavanja, te prilikama dobivenim stjecanjem MBA diplome. Zadovoljni polaznici ujedno su i najučinkovitiji promocijski kanal MBA studija, te je zaključeno da menadžment mora neprestano istraživati motive upisa i zadovoljstvo, te usklađivati program s njihovim zahtjevima i očekivanjima. |
Abstract (english) | The modern business environment requires highly educated experts who will successfully face business challenges. This is precisely the reason for the growing demand for the MBA (Master in Business Administration) degree, which is a symbol of academic excellence and the development of competitive skills and knowledge of individuals. The study of business management (MBA) is among the most respected studies in the business environment, and gathers ambitious individuals of various specializations and aspirations. With the constant growth of demand for these studies, the number of offered programs in the market is also growing. Accordingly, in order for educational institutions to be able to maintain their reputation and improve the quality of their programs, also to encourage students to choose their program, it is necessary to investigate what are the motivations for enrolling in MBA studies, as well as what and in which way impacts the satisfaction of their students. This was exactly the research objective of this thesis, for the purposes of which descriptive quantitative research was used on a deliberate (opportunity) sample of MBA students, and the research instrument was a survey questionnaire made through the Microsoft Forms. In addition to the results of the questionnaire, an explanatory qualitative research was also conducted, whereby the instrument used was an indepth interview guide. The survey questionnaire and the interview guide were adapted for the purposes of this thesis to the scales used in the following work: Scaringella et al. (2022). The research results show that the motives for enrollment and student satisfaction are closely related. Individuals enroll in an MBA program with desire to improve their knowledge and skills, progress in their career, increase their salary, and hope that these expectations will be fulfilled upon program completion. They base their satisfaction mainly on the expertise and knowledge of the lecturers, the lecturer's attitude towards students, the usefulness and relevance of the offered courses, the availability of the faculty staff, the concept of the program, the venues of the lectures, and the opportunities obtained with the MBA degree. Furthermore, it is concluded that satisfied students are the most effective promotional channel of the MBA programs. Therefore, the management must constantly investigate motives for enrollment and student satisfaction, and harmonize the program with their requirements and expectations. |