Title Održivi razvoj u naftnoj industriji
Title (english) Sustainable development in the oil industry
Author Iva Šarić
Mentor Andrija Sabol (mentor)
Committee member Andrija Sabol (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Dolinar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ena Pecina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Managerial Economics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Od početka dvadesetog stoljeća nafta ima nezaobilaznu i stratešku ulogu u svjetskoj ekonomiji, geopolitici i suvremenim međunarodnim tokovima roba i usluga. Dapače, nafta je postala ključan resurs svjetskog gospodarstva bez koje je nezamislivo funkcioniranje modernih društava. Cijena nafte, njezina proizvodnja i potrošnja izravno utječu na razvoj nacionalnih gospodarstava kao i svijeta u cjelini. No, posljednjih desetljeća fokus se miče s isključivo ekonomskog i proširuje se ciljevima i kriterijima razvoja socijalne i ekološke dimenzije u okviru održivog razvoja. Pri tome se naftna industrija ističe kao industrija u kojoj su negativni učinci i eksternalije jasno vidljivi, pa se često uzima kao predmet istraživanja u okviru koncepta održivosti. Izuzme li se globalna industriju nafte i usmjeri li se fokus na industriju nafte u Hrvatskoj, važno je istaknuti da Republika Hrvatska preradom domaće nafte i plina pokriva do 30% ukupne potrošnje primarne energije, što je dodatni motiv za istraživanjem na razini Hrvatske. U radu je napravljena analiza poslovanja izabranog poduzeća iz naftne industrije u Hrvatskoj u okviru održivog razvoja te kretanje životnog ciklusa poduzeća kroz promjene nužne za opstanak poslovanja. Moguće je zaključiti kako odabrano društvo, iako djeluje u okvirima naftne industrije koja se primarno percipira kao industrija u okvirima koje je teško doprinijeti razvoju načela održivog razvoja, odabrano društvo provodi mjere koje za cilj imaju poticanje održivog razvoja. S ciljem kreiranja daljnjeg doprinosa održivom razvoju poslovanja poduzeća potrebno je implementirati dodatne mjere, a posebice one koje će naglasak staviti i na socijalnu dimenziju poslovanja, koja se u težnji za zadovoljavanjem zahtjeva ekološke dimenzije nerijetko zanemaruje, a trenutno su nafta i naftni derivati jedan od najvećih izdataka svakog kućanstva. Također, riječ je o inputima koji imaju izravan utjecaj na kretanje cijena većine proizvoda i usluga koje kupci na području Republike Hrvatske kupuju.
Abstract (english) Since the beginning of the twentieth century, oil has played an unavoidable and strategic role in the world economy, geopolitics and contemporary international flows of goods and services. Indeed, oil has become a key resource of the world economy, without which the functioning of modern societies is unthinkable. The price of oil, its production and consumption directly affect the development of national economies as well as the world as a whole. However, in recent decades, the focus has shifted from being purely economic and expanding to include the goals and criteria of development of the social and ecological dimensions within the framework of sustainable development. At the same time, the oil industry stands out as an industry in which negative effects and externalities are clearly visible, so it is often taken as an object of research within the concept of sustainability. If the global oil industry is excluded and the focus is directed to the oil industry in Croatia, it is important to point out that the Republic of Croatia covers up to 30% of the total primary energy consumption through the processing of domestic oil and gas, which is an additional motive for research at the level of Croatia. The paper analyzes the operations of a selected company from the oil industry in Croatia within the framework of sustainable development and the movement of the life cycle of the company through the changes necessary for the survival of the business. It is possible to conclude that the selected company, although it operates within the framework of the oil industry, which is primarily perceived as an industry in the framework of which it is difficult to contribute to the development of the principles of sustainable development, the selected company implements measures aimed at encouraging sustainable development. With the aim of creating a further contribution to the sustainable development of the company's business, it is necessary to implement additional measures, especially those that will emphasize the social dimension of business, which is often neglected in the pursuit of meeting the requirements of the ecological dimension, and currently oil and oil derivatives are one of the largest expenses of each household. Also, we are talking about inputs that have a direct influence on the price movement of most products and services that customers in the Republic of Croatia buy.
naftna industrija
održivi razvoj
Nacional d.o.o.
Keywords (english)
oil industry
sustainable development
Nacional d.o.o.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:626330
Study programme Title: Business economics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-09-27
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-19 15:12:30