Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad prikaz je mjera, strategija i napora koje gradovi Europske unije ulažu kako bi ostvarili cilj 11 održivog razvoja (SDG), odnosno kako bi postali održiviji, uključiviji i sigurniji za svoje stanovnike. Predstavljaju se mjere i strategije kojima Europska unija nastoji potaknuti i pomoći gradovima u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena. Strategije su Europski zeleni plan, Europski tjedan mobilnosti, Urbana agenda za EU, Pametni gradovi i zajednice te financijske strategije poput Kohezijskog fonda, Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj i Leipziške povelje. Objašnjava se svrha globalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja, posebice cilja 11, koji je temelj ovog diplomskog rada. Detaljno se analizira šest odabranih gradova EU-a, koji su dobivanjem nagrade Europske zelene prijestolnice dokazali svoj trud u prelasku na klimatsku neutralnost i stvaranju održive budućnosti. Gradovi koji se analiziraju su Stockholm, Hamburg, Kopenhagen, Ljubljana, Lisabon i Tallinn, a analizira se njihova energetska učinkovitost, transport, upravljanje otpadom, urbanističko planiranje te socijalna održivost. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis presents the measures, strategies, and efforts that cities within the European Union are implementing to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG), with the aim of becoming more sustainable, inclusive, and safer for their residents. It outlines the actions and strategies through which the European Union seeks to encourage and support cities in their fight against climate change. These strategies include the European Green Deal, European Mobility Week, the Urban Agenda for the EU, Smart Cities and Communities, as well as financial strategies such as the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Leipzig Charter. The purpose of the global Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 11, which is the foundation of this thesis, is explained. The thesis provides a detailed analysis of six selected EU cities that have proven their commitment to achieving climate neutrality and creating a sustainable future by winning the European Green Capital Award. The cities analyzed are Stockholm, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Lisbon, and Tallinn, with a focus on their energy efficiency, transportation, waste management, urban planning, and social sustainability. |