Title Digitalna transformacija glazbene industrije
Title (english) Digital transformation of the music industry
Author Marko Drnić
Mentor Mario Spremić (mentor) MBZ: 233591
Committee member Mirjana Pejić Bach (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Ante Omazić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Spremić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-12-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Glazbena je industrija u posljednjih dvadesetak godina doživjela potpunu transformaciju i to najviše pod intenzivnim utjecajem implementacije digitalnih tehnologija u nove poslovne modele, što ju čini izvrsnim primjerom za proučavanje skoro pa potpune digitalizacije tržišta. Digitizacijom sadržaja, stvaranjem mreža za njegovu razmjenu i distribuciju, te pojavom prvih pružatelja digitalnih usluga (engl. Digital Service Providers) u obliku Internet trgovina poput iTunes Store-a počinje se mijenjati globalna slika glazbenog tržišta. Nekoliko godina kasnije, pojavom digitalnih platformi za prijenos glazbenog sadržaja uspješno je riješen i problem piratstva koji je godinama stvarao ogromne gubitke za izdavače i umjetnike. Nove i inovativne tvrtke su uspjele stvoriti nove poslovne modele kojima su uspjeli privući veliki broj korisnika i zauvijek promijenili pogled na tradicionalne poslovne modele i načine distribucije glazbenog sadržaja. Novi poslovni modeli fokus prebacuju s trgovine glazbenim sadržajem i pravom nad glazbenim zapisom i proizvodom, na pristup kolekciji glazbenog sadržaja i uslugu. Servisi za prijenos glazbenog sadržaja (eng. Music Streaming Services), koji su trenutno najpopularniji način distribucije glazbenog sadržaja, ipak nose i neke negativne atribute, pa se kao najčešći ističe nepravedna raspodjela prihoda između distributera, izdavača i autora i slabije prilike za promociju za nove izvođače i nezavisne glazbene kuće. Kao posljedica, javljaju se novi poslovni modeli i platforme, koje žele riješiti problem narušenog odnosa između umjetnika i obožavatelja, te proširiti ponudu glazbenog sadržaja kroz društvenu interakciju, aktiviranjem samog potrošača u stvaranju umjetnika. Analiza slučajeva poslovanja najbitnijih streaming servisa na tržištu dat će najbolji uvid u digitalne trendove na glazbenom tržištu. Različiti poslovni modeli Apple Music, Spotify, Tencent Music i Bandcamp platformi su dovoljno širok uzorak za primjenu saznanja iz teorijskog dijela ovog istraživanja, prilikom analize i definiranja osnovnih i naprednih digitalnih tehnologija, strategija i poslovnih inovacija, koje ove tvrtke primjenjuju, a koje im omogućavaju daljnji rast poslovanja i daljnju transformaciju glazbene industrije.
Abstract (english) The music industry has undergone a complete transformation in the last twenty years. That happened mostly under the intensive influence of the implementation of digital technologies into emerging new business models, which makes it an excellent example for studying the almost complete digitalization of the market. With the digitization of music content, the creation of networks for its exchange and distribution, and the emergence of the first Digital Service Providers in the form of Internet stores such as the iTunes Store, the global picture of the music market started to change. A few years later, with the advent of digital music streaming, the problem of piracy, which for years had created huge losses for publishers and artists, was successfully solved. New and innovative companies have managed to create new business models that attracted large number of users and forever changed the view on traditional business models and the ways of distributing music content. New business models are shifting focus from selling music and rights to the music track and product, to access to the music collections and music as a service. Music streaming services, which are currently the most popular way to distribute music content still hold some negative attributes and the most common ones are the unfair distribution of income between distributors, record labels and authors and poor promotion opportunities for new acts and independent music labels. As a consequence, new business models and platforms are emerging, which want to solve the problem of the gap in the relationship between artists and fans, and further expand the offer of music content through social interaction, by activating the consumer in the creation of artists. Analyzing business cases of the most important streaming services on the market will give the best insight into digital trends in the music market. Different business models of Apple Music, Spotify, Tencent Music and Bandcamp platforms form a sample, broad enough to apply the knowledge from the theoretical part of this research in analyzing and defining basic and advanced digital technologies, strategies and business innovations, which these companies apply enabling them to further grow their business and further transform the music industry.
digitalna ekonomija
digitalne platforme (dvostrane i višestrane)
digitalna strategija
digitalni medijski sadržaj
digitalno pokroviteljstvo
digitalne tehnologije
digitalna transformacija
društvena zabava
glazbene kuće
informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije
nezavisne glazbene kuće
platno poslovnog modela
prijenos glazbe na zahtjev
pružatelji digitalnih usluga
Apple Music
Tencent Music
Keywords (english)
business model canvas
digital economy
digital transformation
digital technologies
digital platforms (two-sided and multi-sided)
digital service providers
digital strategy
digital media content
digital patronage
independent record labels
music labels
music streaming on demand
social entertainment
Apple Music
Tencent Music
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:256523
Study programme Title: Information management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica informatičkog menadžmenta (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica informatičkog menadžmenta)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-23 11:13:02