Title Značaj društvenih mreža u promociji maloprodavača hranom
Title (english) The importance of social networks in the promotion of food retailers
Author Katja Kovačić
Mentor Ivana Štulec (mentor)
Committee member Blaženka Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dora Naletina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Trade and International Business) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Društvene mreže su u današnje vrijeme postale sve značajnije kako u privatnim životima ljudi, tako i za poslovanje poduzeća. Sve više poduzeća prepoznaje veliki potencijal društvenih mreža kao mogućnost proširenja i napredovanja poslovanja. Također, postale su bitne za sve sfere poslovanja pa tako i za maloprodaju, a u ovome radu se poseban naglasak stavlja na maloprodavače hranom. Trenutno, tvrtke svih veličina eksperimentiraju s marketingom na društvenim mrežama. Poduzeća unutar većine sektora privlače potencijalne prednosti usvajanja platformi društvenih medija. Društvene mreže, poput Instagrama i Facebooka, pokazale su se kao vrlo dobra medijska platforma za komunikaciju s potrošačima u modnoj industriji. Značajnost društvenih mreža u modnoj industriji je velika, te je većina maloprodajnih poduzeća modne industrije iskoristila puni potencijal društvenih mreža. Stoga je u ovome radu cilj prikazati kako su se maloprodavači hranom angažirali na društvenim mrežama, te koliki značaj društvene mreže predstavljaju za takve maloprodavače, posebno u promociji proizvoda, cjelokupnog poslovanja i projekata.
Maloprodavači pretežno prehrambenih proizvoda važni su za cijelo čovječanstvo jer na tržište plasiraju osnovne prehrambene, higijenske i kućanske potrepštine, dakle njihove prodavaonice posjećuju sve dobne skupine. Tako je u ovome radu provedeno primarno (empirijsko) istraživanje putem anketnog upitnika o učinkovitosti profila i rada na društvenim mrežama odabranih poduzeća. Kako bi se uvidjelo koliko su profili maloprodavača pretežno prehrambenih proizvoda na društvenim mrežama učinkoviti i atraktivni provedeno je ispitivanje nad potencijalnim kupcima i krajnjim potrošačima. Istraživanjem se došlo do rezultata koje je od navedenih poduzeća trenutno najkonkurentnije i najatraktivnije na društvenim mrežama, s naglaskom na Instagram i Facebook, koji su još uvijek najpopularniji u skupini društvenih mreža, te koje poduzeće ostvaruje najbolju povezanost s kupcima. Rad doprinosi ukazivanju da su upravo društvene mreže te koje su ujedno najlakši, najučinkovitiji te na kraju najbrži i najjednostavniji način promocije raznovrsnih prehrambenih i neprehrambenih proizvoda i pogodnosti koje nude maloprodavači, a s druge strane vrlo su dobar način približavanja i povezivanja maloprodavača hrane s kupcima i u konačnici stvaranju lojalnog kupca koji ga posjećuje na tjednoj bazi
Abstract (english) Social media networks have nowadays becoming more and more important not just in people private lives, but in their professional and work environment which also has an affect on a lot of companies. A lot more companies are recognizing the importance of social media and its advantage into expanding the business in every aspect including the sales, where in this report the main subject will be the retailers of food. At the moment, various size companies are experimenting with marketing on their social media platforms. Most of the companies within the relevant sector are acknowledging the importance of social media and using it into their advantage. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have been recognised as an excellent platform when it comes to communicating and engaging with the consumers in the fashion industry. The importance of social media in fashion is quite relevant, so the retailer enterprise is looking to fulfill the whole potential. Because of how succesful fashion industry is, the goal of this report is to show how food retailers have been enaging with consumers on social media platforms. Moreover, how important social media platforms are in the food industry, especially in the field of product promotion, company performance and how it affects the projects ran by the company.
Retailers, especially food retailers, are extremely important for the humanity because they provide essential food, hygene and home necessities to the consumers market as their stores are visited by citizens of all age groups. Because of all providen facts, in this report primary research was conducted via questionnaire about the effect and work of social media platforms of certain retailers on the consumer. The research has revealed which one of the retailers is the most competitive and more active on social media platforms, and also which one is more appealing to its consumers-where Facebook and Instagram were the main social media platforms where the performance has been rated. Also the research revealed which social media platform is the most popular for each age group and which company has the best communication with its consumers over social media platforms. This report will show that social media platforms are the easiest, most effective and definitely the fastest way of promoting whole range of food, non-food goods and a lot of other products. Also, it has showed the importance of social media has for communicating with consumers where the main goal is to create a strong and loyal customer on weekly basis.
društvene mreže
maloprodavači hranom
prehrambeni proizvodi
Keywords (english)
Social media platforms
retail food sale
food goods
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:250886
Study programme Title: Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-12 16:52:39