Abstract | U današnje modernizirano vrijeme prodaja je vrlo razvijena. Postoje razne vrste prodavaonica, a među njima razvijene su i elektroničke trgovine. Elektronička trgovina prodaje proizvode ili usluge putem internetskih stranica i društvenih mreža. Razvoj interneta omogućio je povezanost svim poduzećima i njihovim potrošačima. Bez digitaliziranog poslovanja, prodaja i promocija ne mogu opstati zbog povećane konkurentnosti. Potrošači uvijek trebaju pomoć oko internetske kupnje, imaju puno pitanja u vezi nje. Može doći do tehničkih poteškoća prilikom kupnje ili plaćanja, određeni kupci prvi put koriste internetsku kupnju pa trebaju pomoć, trebaju dodatne informacije o proizvodima ili traže proizvod koji će ispuniti njihove potrebe, trebaju pomoć oko korištenja proizvoda, reklamiranju ili servisiranju proizvoda, pa čak i neka pitanja što se tiču svakodnevnih zadataka. Tu je došlo do izuma platforme virtualnog asistenta to jest osobnog asistenta u elektroničkoj maloprodaji. Virtualni asistent se ne mora koristiti samo u elektroničkoj prodaji, potrošači ga mogu koristiti radi informacija prije i nakon kupnje u prodavaonici. Kao na primjer robna kuća Ikea koja ima internet prodaju, ali naviše se kupuje u njihovoj robnoj kući. Korisnici koriste Ikeinu virtualnu asistenticu Bili koju mogu pitati o mogućim načinima plaćanja, o informacijama o proizvodu koji bi njima ispunjavao potrebe, o mjestima za preuzimanje robe, o načinu kupovanja u robnoj kući, o reklamacijama, o uslugama uz kupnju i nakon kupnje koje nude i slično. To pomaže potrošačima u uštedi vremena i većem zadovoljstvu kupovanja. Rad je podijeljen na 5 poglavlja, od kojih u uvodu iznosimo predmet i ciljeve rada, a potom se daje kratki opis izvora i metoda istraživanja u radu. U sljedeća tri poglavlja se donosi literaturni pregled pojmova virtualnog asistenta u maloprodaji gdje se predstavlja njihova povijest, prednosti i nedostatci, te tehnički zahtjevi. U četvrtom poglavlju donosi pregled tržišta kućanskih uređaja, podjeljenog na svjetsko i hrvatsko tržište kućanskih uređaja. Posljednji dio rada je usko povezan sa samom temom rada u kojemu se nastoji istražiti zadovoljstvo kupaca virtualnim asistentom u maloprodaji kućanskih uređaja na primjeru virtualne asistentice Ana od poduzeća Gorenje grupa. |
Abstract (english) | In today's modernized time, sales are very developed. There are various types of stores, and among them electronic stores have been developed. The electronic store sells products or services through websites and social networks. The development of the internet has enabled connectivity for all businesses and their consumers. Without a digitized business, sales and promotions cannot survive due to increased competitiveness. Consumers always need help with online shopping, they have a lot of questions about it. There may be technical difficulties when buying or paying, certain first-time buyers are using online shopping, so they need help, need additional information about products or are looking for a product that will meet their needs, they need help using products, advertising or servicing products, and even some questions concerning everyday tasks. This is where the invention of the virtual assistant platform, that is, a personal assistant in electronic retail, came about. The virtual assistant does not have to be used only in electronic sales, consumers can use it for information before and after buying in the store. Like the department store Ikea, which has internet sales, but is bought upwards at their department store. Users use Ikea's virtual assistant Bili, who they can ask about possible payment methods, about information about the product that would meet their needs, about places to pick up goods, about how to shop at the department store, about complaints, about the services with the purchase and after the purchase they offer and the like. This helps consumers save time and make shopping more satisfying. The paper is divided into 5 chapters, of which in the introduction we present the subject and goals of the work, and then a brief description of the sources and methods of research in the paper is given. The following three chapters provide a literature review of the concepts of a virtual assistant in retail, where their history, advantages and shortcomings, and technical requirements are presented. In the fourth chapter, he presents an overview of the market for household appliances, divided into the world and Croatian market of household appliances. The last part of the work is closely related to the very topic of work in which one seeks to explore customer satisfaction with a virtual assistant in the retail of household appliances on the example of virtual assistant Ana from the company Gorenje grupa. |