Abstract | Banke su vrlo bitan tip financijskih institucija s velikim brojem poslovnica te klijenata diljem RH. Pandemija COVID-19 tijekom 2020. godine te kasnije imala je vrlo izražen utjecaj na gospodarstvo RH, stanovnike, a ujedno i na bankarski sektor, a što se izravno odrazilo na smanjenje odobravanja kredita poslovnih banaka. U uvjetima djelovanja pandemije smanjeno odobravanje kredita koje je posljedica rasta kreditnog rizika izravno vodi smanjenju investicija te osobne potrošnje, što za posljedicu ima i negativan utjecaj na BDP. Temeljni cilj ovog rada bio je kreirati zaključke o poslovnom odnosu bankama na području RH prema segmentu stanovništva tijekom pandemije COVID-19 na temelju anketnog istraživanja.
Pritom je na anketni upitnik tijekom svibnja 2022. godine odgovorilo ukupno 127 ispitanika, većinom mlađe životne dobi. Riječ je o gotovo pa podjednakom omjeru ispitanika i ispitanica što dodatno doprinosi kvaliteti prikupljenih rezultata istraživanja. Moguće je istaknuti nisku razinu zadovoljstva ispitanika uslugama koje su koristili, pritom su pojedini ispitanici zamijetili kako su banke tijekom razdoblja djelovanja pandemije povisili naknade za usluge koje pružaju svojim klijentima, a što ima izražen negativan utjecaj na klijente. Iako su zabilježene relativno zadovoljavajuće prosječne ocjene kada je riječ o zadovoljstvu ispitanika u odnosu na poslovnim bankama, potrebno je istaknuti kako svakako postoji prostor za daljnja poboljšanja razine kvalitete usluge, a što će svakako utjecati na zadovoljstvo klijenata banaka. Posebno se ističe činjenica kako veliki broj ispitanika koristi uslugu mobilnog bankarstva te pritom ispitanici smatraju kako im je ta usluga poboljšala odnose s bankom čiji su klijenti. S druge strane, ispitanici smatraju kako su naknade za korištenje mobilnog bankarstva previsoke. Iz tog razloga je nužno istaknuti kako bi poslovne banke kroz snižavanje naknada za usluge mobilnog bankarstva te druge slične usluge mogle smanjiti troškove poslovanja (trošak zaposlenih) uslijed povećanja broja korisnika ovih usluga, a ujedno bi izravno utjecale na rast razine zadovoljstva svojih klijenata. |
Abstract (english) | Banks are a very important type of financial institution with many branches and clients throughout the Republic of Croatia. The COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and later had a very pronounced impact on the economy of the Republic of Croatia, its inhabitants, and at the same time on the banking sector, which was directly reflected in the reduction of commercial bank loan approvals. In the conditions of the pandemic, reduced credit approval, which is a consequence of the increase in credit risk, directly leads to a decrease in investments and personal consumption, which has a negative impact on GDP as a result. The main goal of this paper was to create conclusions about the business relationship of banks in the territory of the Republic of Croatia according to the segment of the population during the COVID-19 pandemic based on survey research.
At the same time, a total of 127 respondents, most of them younger, answered the questionnaire in May 2022. It is about an almost equal ratio of male and female respondents, which additionally contributes to the quality of the collected research results. It is possible to point out the respondents' low level of satisfaction with the services they used, while some respondents noticed that during the period of the pandemic, banks increased the fees for the services they provide to their clients, which has a pronounced negative impact on clients. Although relatively satisfactory average ratings were recorded when it comes to respondents' satisfaction in relation to commercial banks, it should be pointed out that there is certainly room for further improvements in the level of service quality, which will certainly affect the satisfaction of bank clients. Of particular note is the fact that many respondents use the mobile banking service, and at the same time, the respondents believe that this service has improved their relations with the bank whose clients they are. On the other hand, respondents believe that the fees for using mobile banking are too high. For this reason, it is necessary to point out that by lowering fees for mobile banking services and other similar services, commercial banks could reduce business costs (employee costs) due to the increase in the number of users of these services, and at the same time, they would directly influence the growth of the level of satisfaction of their clients. |