Abstract | Područje istraživanja doktorskog rada je upravljanje radnom uspješnošću (URU) u djelatnosti
hotelskog poslovanja. Glavni cilj rada je bio teorijski i empirijski istražiti čimbenike kvalitete
sustava URU-a u hotelskom poslovanju prema veličini hotela. Teorijski dio doktorskog rada
temelji se na sekundarnim izvorima podataka (knjige, članci, baze podataka, internetski izvori
i slično), dok se empirijski dio doktorskog rada temelji na tri anketna upitnika. Prvi anketni
upitnik je bio namijenjen najrelevantnijoj osobi o poznavanju sustavnosti upravljanja radnom
uspješnošću u hotelu, drugi anketni upitnik bio je namijenjen direktoru hotela, dok je treći
anketni upitnik bio namijenjen zaposlenicima hotela. Za dokazivanje hipoteza korišteni su
faktorska analiza, neparametrijski testovi za testiranje razlika između skupina (Kruskal-Wallis
H testovi i Mann-Whitney U testovi), korelacijska i regresijska analiza. Najznačajniji nalaz
doktorskog rada je dokazana veća uloga čimbenika na razini zaposlenika za kvalitetu sustava
URU-a u svim skupinama hotela prema veličini (velikim, srednjim i malim hotelima), kako
gledajući njihovu pojedinačnu statističku značajnost tako i njihovu statističku značajnost u
skupnim regresijskim analizama, u odnosu na čimbenike na razini organizacije i čimbenike na
razini menadžera. Ovim doktorskim radom su istraženi čimbenici kvalitete sustava URU-a na
organizacijskoj, menadžerskoj i na razini zaposlenika zbog čega može poslužiti kao temelj za
daljnja sustavna i višerazinska istraživanja čimbenika kvalitete sustava URU-a. |
Abstract (english) | Research area and goals: The research area of this doctoral thesis is performance management
(PM) in the hotel business, where employees are one of the key factors in guest satisfaction and
business success, making systematic performance management especially important to hotels.
The impact of an existing PM system on various aspects of business performance (financial and
non-financial) has been proven in the literature; however, many hotels often do not take
advantage of the benefits that quality performance management can bring due to
implementation issues. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the quality factors of PM
systems in the hotel business based on hotel size, while other goals of the paper refer to: (1.)
the review of previous research and scientific knowledge in the field of doctoral thesis, (2.) a
comprehensive and systematic definition of performance management as well as explanations
of the elements that comprise a PM system, with special reference to the characteristics and
specifics of performance management in the hotel business, (3.) theoretical and empirical
analysis of the relationship of each key factor in the quality of PM systems and the quality of
PM systems in hotels, taking into account the specifics of the hotel business by hotel size, (4.)
the theoretical and empirical evidence of the link between the quality of PM systems and
financial performance of hotels, as well as (5.) the empirical analysis of the connection between
seasonality and the relationship between ownership and management and the quality of PM
systems in hotels.
Methodological framework: The theoretical part of the doctoral thesis is based on secondary
data sources (books, articles, databases, online sources, etc.), while the empirical part is based
on three survey questionnaires. The first survey questionnaire was designed for the most
knowledgeable person about the hotel’s performance management system, the second for the
hotel director and the third for hotel employees. To prove the hypotheses, factor analysis,
nonparametric tests for testing differences between groups (Mann-Whitney U tests and
Kruskal-Wallis H tests), as well as correlation and regression analysis, were used. The
Poslovna.hr portal was the source of hotels financial indicators.
Results: The empirical part of the doctoral thesis proved the existence of individual quality
factors of the PM systems in the hotel business, but did not confirm the assumptions about the
differences in the group of quality factors of the PM systems with respect to hotel size. The
assumption of a significant correlation between the quality of the PM systems and the financial
performance of the hotel has not been proven, however, moderately strong positive
relationships were found between certain dimensions of the quality of the PM systems and the
financial performance of hotels. Assumptions about the significance of the differences in the
quality of the PM systems regarding the seasonality and the relationship of ownership and
management in hotels have not been proven. The most significant finding of the doctoral
dissertation is the one of a greater role of factors at the employee level, both when looking at
their individual statistical significance and their statistical significance in aggregate regression
analyzes, for the quality of the PM systems compared to factors at the organizational level and
factors at the managerial level in all groups of hotels by size (large, medium and small hotels).
Conclusion: This doctoral thesis researched the quality factors of the performance management
systems at the organizational, managerial and employee level, which can serve as a basis for
further systematic and multilevel research on the quality factors of the performance
management systems. |