
The effect of COVID19 on financial markets
The effect of COVID19 on financial markets
Dominik Stipić
Financial markets have been a critical medium for centuries to transfer and distribute the funds needed for the proper functioning of the economy. Well-functioning financial markets are a critical component of high economic growth, and badly performing financial markets are one of the reasons why many nations throughout the world stay impoverished. Financial market activities also have a direct impact on personal wealth, company and consumer behavior, and the economy's cyclical performance....
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food supply chains in central Europe
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food supply chains in central Europe
Isabelle Sandrine Grbin
Ovaj istraživački rad zadire u višestruke regionalne učinke pandemije COVID-19 na lance opskrbe poljoprivredno-prehrambenim proizvodima (AFSC) u središnjoj Europi. Tijekom pandemije, komparativna analiza i pregled literature otkrivaju značajne poremećaje u različitim fazama opskrbnog lanca, uključujući agregaciju, obradu i distribuciju. Ova studija usmjerena je na srednjoeuropsku regiju, obuhvaćajući razdoblja prije, tijekom i nakon pandemije COVID-19. Učinak pandemije na AFSC...
The evaluation of the social media and digital marketing used by retailers in Croatia and Jordan
The evaluation of the social media and digital marketing used by retailers in Croatia and Jordan
Rashad Arafat
In today’s competitive business environment, evaluating the social media and digital marketing techniques used by retailers in Croatia and Jordan is critical for understanding their goals, objectives and effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to give a full understanding of how retailers in both countries utilize social media and digital marketing into their strategies. Retailers in Croatia and Jordan interact with their targeted audience, enhance brand image and drive sales by...
The evolving landscape of the European automotive industry
The evolving landscape of the European automotive industry
Josip Perić
The European automotive industry has seen a major shift towards new technologies and sustainability in recent years. What started less than 150 years ago is today a crucial factor in Europe's development and prosperity. Historically, it has produced many iconic brands but faces many challenges and pressures. Electric vehicles and consolidations play a big role in the current automotive market and trying to understand deeper forces that make up the industry and its possible future is one of...
The impact of COVID-19 crisis on manufacturing and hospitality industry in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union
The impact of COVID-19 crisis on manufacturing and hospitality industry in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union
Monika Katana
The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic affects different sectors and companies differently. This depends on a number of factors, including the ability to adapt to disruptions in the supply chain, but also on inventories or production without inventories. Efforts have been underway in almost all countries for nearly two years to respond to the crisis and alleviate the need for medical supplies, as well as to ensure business continuity and employee safety. Such a crisis is unique in...
The impact of artificial intelligence on labor productivity
The impact of artificial intelligence on labor productivity
Marta Stojkovska
This thesis analyzes the impact of Artificial Intelligence and automation on labor productivity. It provides a basic explanation of the nature of AI in today’s fast-developing society and indicates the possible challenges of tomorrow. The Thesis further explains the concept of AI in terms of employment. It looks at the factors of labor productivity by exploring information from a unique database of AI-related patenting firms within a 10-year period of time. The results from the...
The impact of artificial intelligence technology shaping the future of the digital media advertising
The impact of artificial intelligence technology shaping the future of the digital media advertising
Petra Tolušić
The topic of the thesis is to examine how will artificial intelligence technology influence the future of the digital media advertising. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the capability of a computer to accomplish activities that would normally be performed by intellectual individuals. Artificial intelligence (AI) consists of several types and chacarteristics, artificial intelligence (AI) advertising makes automated judgments based on data gathering, analysis, and further observations that...
The impact of autonomous vehicles on the future of global supply chains
The impact of autonomous vehicles on the future of global supply chains
Naomi Frida Munitić
Transport sector is one of the key drivers for global economies and businesses. Logistics are heavily depended on transport which was a hidden drawback until the pandemic started. During the pandemic many businesses had to stop their operations due to not being able to send their employees to work. Therefore, many supply chains have suffered enormous losses. One of the solutions to resolve this kind of situations in the future could be the implementation of autonomous vehicles. Not just for...
The impact of brand name characteristics on creating brand perception
The impact of brand name characteristics on creating brand perception
Marko Čukman
The everchanging world requires brand names which will not fade into insignificance the in a short period of time. Brand names had become a tool more important than ever when it comes to brand recognition as well as the general acceptance and perception of a both new and old brands. In order to approach a consumer who is frequently bombarded with brands from every possible perspective it is of utmost importance that the name of a brand is something that on its own shares...
The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) activities on brand image and purchase intentions
The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) activities on brand image and purchase intentions
Tija Vranešević
Due to vast competition in the market and Generation Z being less loyal than the older generations, companies attempt to retain customers and predict product acceptance, making them constantly change the direction of their marketing strategies. Usually, a strong brand image comes in handy when trying to persist and be distinguishable on the market. Thus, companies put a lot of energy into puzzling out different strategies to make the brand image stronger in order to achieve an advantage over...
The impact of demographic change on business and social activities
The impact of demographic change on business and social activities
Fran Crnogorac
Before writing this paper, I already knew demography is a very important scientific field, especially because I live in Croatia where demographic topics are a daily occurrence. But I also stumbled upon many new interesting facts and situations around the world that broadened my view of the topic. For example the median age of some African countries being approximately 16 years sounds really shocking from the Westerners point of view. It is very interesting but also a little bit worrisome to...
The impact of fast-fashion retailers in e-commerce
The impact of fast-fashion retailers in e-commerce
Filomena Tomaš
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship and impact of the fast fashion industry in e-commerce. E-commerce business defines the activities of selling, buying of services and goods, through the electric network. This study is aimed to understand and analyse how fast-fashion retailers apply their strategy to maximize profit, with frequent turnover in the goods while applying technology and e-commerce as one of the main plans of action. Fast fashion has changed the way...
