Title Utjecaj društvenog medija Instagram na izbor turističke destinacije
Title (english) The impact of social media Instagram on the choice of tourist destination
Author Petra Amanović
Mentor Petra Barišić (mentor) MBZ: 315083
Committee member Petra Barišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Mikulić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Prebežac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-01-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U današnje vrijeme napredne tehnologije i velikih očekivanja ljudi, sve je teže postići uspjeh turističke destinacije na tržištu bez kvalitetne prisutnosti na Internetu. Takav način najizraženiji je kod mladih ljudi koji svoju odluku temelje na informacijama i slikama koje vide na društvenim mrežama. Internet je u sustavu turizma, kao i u svim ostalim vrstama poslovanja, promijenio klasične načine poslovanja te se koristi kao komunikacijski, transakcijski i distribucijski kanal. Sve turističke destinacije pružaju mnogobrojne i vrlo slične usluge, ali samo neke od njih mogu postići traženu originalnost i različitost u odnosu na konkurenciju. U današnje vrijeme uspješan turistički razvoj destinacije nije moguće ostvariti bez prihvaćanja društvenih medija kao pozitivne stvari za budući razvoj turističke destinacije. Jedan od ključnih društvenih medija je Instagram koji je medij koji omogućava dijeljenje slika i videozapisa kako bi ih ostali korisnici vidjeli. U svakom trenutku korisnicima Instagrama poznato je gdje se osobe koje prate nalaze i što rade. Kroz ovaj rad analizirat će se koliki je utjecaj Instagrama na odabir turističke destinacije s obzirom na dob i preferencije ispitanika te će se analizirati praksa dijeljena iskustva s ostalim korisnicima. To će se postići primarnim istraživanjem kroz anketni upitnik zatvorenog tipa gdje će ispitanicima biti ponuđeni odgovori. Anketom možemo jednostavno doći do željenih podataka, a pritom obuhvatiti veliki broj ispitanika. Anketu je popunilo 160 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 37 godina te je zaključno kako Instagram ima utjecaja na odabir turističke destinacije. Kada je riječ o navikama sudionika većina ih se koristi Instagramom već kad je odabrala turističku destinaciju te traži dodatne informacije poput restorana, događanja, znamenitosti i slično ili kada počinje razmišljati o putovanju i izboru turističke destinacije. Istovremeno niječu utjecaj influensera na odabir njihove destinacije što pokazuje da oni ipak nemaju značajan utjecaj na odluke korisnika. Sukladno svemu navedenom može se reći kako su društveni mediji moćan alat i da će njihov utjecaj na turizam i dalje rasti.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, advanced technologies and high expectations of people, it is increasingly difficult to achieve the success of a tourist destination on the market without a quality presence on the Internet. This is the most pronounced in young people who base their decision on information and images they see on social media. In the tourism industry, as in all other types of business, the Internet has changed classic ways of doing business and is used as a communication, transactional and distribution channel. All tourist destinations provide numerous and very similar services, but only some of them can achieve the required originality and diversity in relation to the competition. Nowadays, the successful tourist development of the destination cannot be achieved without accepting social media as a positive thing for the future development of the tourist destination. One of the key social media is Instagram, which is a medium that allows images and videos to be shared for other users to see. At all times, Instagram users know where the people they follow are and what they are doing. This paper will analyze the influence of Instagram on the selection of a tourist destination regarding the age and preferences of the respondents and will analyze the practice of shared experience with other users. This will be achieved through a primary survey through a closed-type questionnaire where respondents will be offered answers. With the survey, we can easily obtain the desired data, while covering a large number of respondents. The survey was attended by 160 respondents aged 18-37 and conclusion is that Instagram has an impact on choosing a tourist destination. When it comes to participants' habits, most of them use Instagram already when they have chosen a tourist destination and are looking for additional information such as restaurants, events, sights and the like or when they start thinking about traveling and choosing a tourist destination. At the same time, they deny the influence of influencers on the selection of their destination, which shows that they do not have a significant influence on users' decisions after all. In accordance with all of the above, we can say that social media is a powerful tool and that their impact on tourism will continue to grow.
društveni mediji
turistička destinacija
Keywords (english)
social media
tourist destination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:216621
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Organization and management, Trade, Tourism, Analysis and Business planning, Business informatics Course: Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: diplomirani/a ekonomist/ekonomistica (diplomirani/a ekonomist/ekonomistica)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-01-25 12:20:56