Abstract | Upravo kako je struja promijenila živote svih ljudi u 19. stoljeću, tako umjetna inteligencija danas mijenja naše rutinske poslove i to besprijekorno. Zajedno sa internetom stvari, dubinskim i strojnim učenjem te robotikom, smatra se pokretačem industrije 4.0. Tehnološki divovi, poput Amazona, Google-a, Apple-a i ostalih, shvaćaju važnost implementacije, analize, provođenja i unapređenja umjetne inteligencije te samim time nastoje poboljšati svakodnevne poslove kao i unaprijediti svakidašnji život. Svatko od njih svjestan je važnost umjetne inteligencije koju ona danas predstavlja, mogućnosti koje nudi, te ulaganje u nju, što često postaje prvi korak ka digitalizaciji poduzeća. Meta, kao jedna od vodećih društvenih mreža, implementirala je umjetnu inteligenciju kako bi njihovim korisnicima pružio siguran način korištenja aplikacije. S druge strane jest Apple, koji je konstantnim ulaganjem u umjetnu inteligenciju došao do iznimno visoke razine pružanja usluga preko virtualnog asistenta Siri sve do Apple sata, koji uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije može izložiti podatke o našoj rutini spavanja, sve do potrošenih kalorija. Microsoft kao jedna od vodećih svjetskih tehnoloških poduzeća ima iznimno veliku ulogu u, ne samo nadogradnje i osmišljavanja nove umjetne inteligencije čime poboljšava živote ljudi i zemlje, već posjeduju i veliku količinu online programa kojima se mogu dobiti certifikati i biti korak bliže razumijevanja umjetne inteligencije u potpunosti. Jednu petinu također čini poduzeće Google koje realizacijom umjetne inteligencije poboljšava načine pretraživanja i predlaganja određenog sadržaja te isto tako teži, uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije, promijeniti svijet na bolje. Kao zadnje poduzeće koje predstavlja tehnološkog diva današnjice, nalazi se Amazon, koji umjetnu inteligenciju proširuje u smjeru zaštite korisnika pomoću sustava predloška kojima nastoji razumjeti razlog zbog čega kupci biraju određene proizvode/usluge, te postoji li razlog iza toga. |
Abstract (english) | Just as electricity changed the lives of all people in the 19th century, so does artificial intelligence today. In doing so, it changes our routine jobs and it does it flawlessly. Together with the Internet of Things and robotics, it is considered to be the driver of Industry 4.0. Technological giants such as Amazon, Google, Apple and others understand the importance of implementing, analyzing, implementing and improving artificial intelligence and thus strive to improve routine tasks as well as improve everyday life. Each of them is aware of the importance of artificial intelligence that it represents today, the opportunities it offers, and investing in it, which often becomes the first step towards digitalization of the company. Meta, as one of the leading social networks, has implemented artificial intelligence to provide their users with a secure way to use the app. On the other hand, we have Apple, which by constantly investing in artificial intelligence has reached an extremely high level of service through the virtual assistant Siri all the way to Apple Watch, which with the help of artificial intelligence can expose data such as our sleep routine or number of calories burned. As one of the world's leading technology companies, Microsoft has an extremely important role in not only upgrading and designing new artificial intelligence, which improves the lives of people and the country, but also has a large number of online programs that can be certified and be one step closer to fully understanding artificial intelligence. Next up is the company Google, which by implementing artificial intelligence improves the ways of searching and proposing certain content, and also strives, with the help of artificial intelligence, to change the world for the better. As the last company of tech giants, there is Amazon, which expands artificial intelligence in the direction of consumer protection as well as based on a template system, which seeks to understand the reason why customers choose certain products / services, and whether there is a reason behind it. |