
Adaptive leadership during the global crisis
Adaptive leadership during the global crisis
Jana Grgić
The topic of this research was to examine the differences in crisis management during the Covid-19 crisis in different sectors of the economy in the Croatian market. This Master thesis examined the aspects of the respondents’ organizations that were most affected by the pandemic, a crisis plan as a prevention measure against unplanned events, and a pre-defined team of people that can adequately respond to the crisis. Furthermore, this research also examined the measures...
Additive Manufacturing - Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Business Models
Additive Manufacturing - Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Business Models
Zvonimir Baranašić
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology that uses a digital 3D model to produce objects in layer-by-layer fashion. Since AM is a completely different from conventional manufacturing techniques, AM requires knowledge of AM process with the importance of AM material and design knowledge. Since the manufacturing industry is steadily in decline, due to the economic shift to service-based business models, manufacturing is in a need of digital transition to adapt to the changing economic...
Addressing Youth Unemployment Challenges - Case of Croatia
Addressing Youth Unemployment Challenges - Case of Croatia
Lara Šoše
Aim of this paper is to address the challenges ofthe youth unemployment, and in particular youth unemployment characteristics and trends in Croatia. The main goal ofthis research paper is to obtain an insight into the current situation regarding the youth unemployment in Croatia and implemented or suggested solutions to this challenge. Moreover, paper examines the causes lead- ing to considerably high youth unemployment rate in Croatia such as skill mismatch, labor mar- ket inflexibility,...
Adopting Agile development with Scrum
Adopting Agile development with Scrum
Matej Matanović
This Master's Thesis aims to examine how knowledge from the fields of IT Project Management, Agile methodology, and Scrum framework can be utilized and play a vital role in successfully delivering digital projects. Due to recent global events, we have seen a rapid and compelled digitalization during the last few years. Agile methods provide an efficient solution to software development when the market needs to place any version of the product regardless of its completion; in other words,...
Adoption of Digital Technologies in Banking
Adoption of Digital Technologies in Banking
Dario Tureček
Looking globaly the whole World is affected by the development of technology and digitalization which are rapidly changing society and ways how it operates. Banking industry, like any other, is no exception in this process. As digital age is progressing, all industries are required to transform and adapt their business strategies and models to fit the digital era with aim to satisfy needs and preferences of their customers and improve and extend their current products and services and...
Advertising effectiveness on social media
Advertising effectiveness on social media
Lucija Babić
The main goal of this paper is to define terms of advertising and social media, also to explain how advertising affects on people who are using social media, and their opinion about online advertising. It is described how to provide best description of product or service for customers, and in return to get feedback from customers. Advertising as a form of communication process should be informed, explained, create interest, stimulate desires, change attitudes and influence consumer behavior....
Agile organizations in the inflation affected retail business
Agile organizations in the inflation affected retail business
Marko Šimunić
The aim of this Master's Thesis is to analyze the contemporary retail market conditions that all companies experience and particularly organizations that possess an opportunity to use their agile organizational structure to adapt themselves to ever changing and tougher global economic conditions. This topic has especially gained attention since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and since the start of still ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. In particular, the most attention is given to the...
Agilna interna revizija
Agilna interna revizija
Ivona Kožić
U ovom diplomskom radu želi se ukazati na nužnost promjene dosadašnje metodologije interne revizije na suvremeniji i prilagođeniji pristup današnjoj turbulentnoj okolini, odnosno razumijevanje potrebe za promjenom načina razmišljanja kako se mijenja poslovanje. Od internih revizora se očekuju brze informacije o usklađenosti s propisima, predviđanje rizika i učinkovitosti kontrola prilikom donošenja poslovnih odluka, više nego ikad prije. Upravo u tome se razlikuje tradicionalni...
Agilne metode kao potpora upravljanju timova prilikom razvoja web aplikacija
Agilne metode kao potpora upravljanju timova prilikom razvoja web aplikacija
Mateja Zbodulja
U današnje vrijeme kontinuiranih promjena na tržištu, agilne metode izrada web aplikacija predstavljaju najnoviji trend koji odgovara dinamičnim i fleksibilnim akcijama poduzeća. U radu je pojašnjen pojam aghilnih metoda, različiti tipovi agilnih metoda, njihove karakteristike i njihov utjecaj na pojedinca, tim i poduzeće. Uvođenje i primjena agilne metode dotiče organizacijske i tehnološke faktore, ali i one vezane uz zaposlenike, tako da će se ovaj rad baviti prvenstveno...
Agilne metode za upravljanje ciljevima
Agilne metode za upravljanje ciljevima
Ana Roso
Kontroling pomaže menadžmentu u procesu poslovnog odlučivanja. Kontroling teži usmjeravanju svih odluka prema postizanju glavnih ciljeva poduzeća. Važno je da ciljevi budu optimalno postavljeni i vremenski određeni. Cilj rada je istaknuti važnost postavljanja ciljeva u svakom poduzeću i agilno upravljati istima sukladno promjenama u okruženju. Također, u radu su analizirane odabrane metode za upravljanje ciljevima. Za svrhu ovog rada provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje o...
Agroturizam kao oblik održivog poljoprivrednog gospodarenja
Agroturizam kao oblik održivog poljoprivrednog gospodarenja
Matea Balić
Agroturizam kombinira turizam i poljoprivredu, privlači turiste poljoprivrednim aktivnostima, razvija gospodarstva kako bi se povećao njihov prihod i pruža rekreacijsko ili obrazovno iskustvo putnicima. Cilj održivog razvoja je omogućiti korištenje prirodnih resursa na održiv način, bez štetnosti za okoliš, na način da se zadovoljavaju potrebe današnjih generacija, a da se istovremeno ne ugrožavaju mogućnosti budućih generacija da ispune vlastite potrebe. Cilj diplomskog rada...
Aktivna politika zapošljavanja u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na odabrane zemlje u Europskoj uniji
Aktivna politika zapošljavanja u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na odabrane zemlje u Europskoj uniji
Iva Barbara Sučić
Nezaposlenost je jedan od važnijih problema s kojim se susreću europske i hrvatske zemlje iako je njezina razina izrazio smanjena u zadnje tri godine. Bez obzira na to, postoje grupe koje su redovito pogođene s višim stopama nezaposlenosti, a to su mladi i žene. Mjere aktivne politike zapošljavanja u današnje se vrijeme poprimaju korektivni i prevencijski karakter. Primarno se nude osobama koje su nezaposlene i koje su ugroženije od ostalih odnosno koje bi teže pronašle posao....
