Sažetak | Od početka čovjekova postojanja, postoji i potreba za plovidbom, kako bi se svladale prepreke koje predstavlja more. Pomorski promet možemo najkraće opisati kao prijevoz ljudi i dobara morem. Tržište linijskog pomorskog prometa pod utjecajem je brojnih vanjskih čimbenika poput financijske krize 2008 i pandemije Covid-19 na koje ne može utjecati. Zato se brodarska poduzeća trebaju kontinuirano razvijati i prilagođavati. Izbijanje pandemije Covid-19 predstavljalo je potpuno nove okolnosti za pomorski promet i globalne opskrbne lance. S obzirom na međusobnu povezanost brodarskih tržišta, kriza u pomorskom opskrbnom lancu ima i šire učinke poput kašnjenja u isporuci roba, zakrčenosti luka itd. Pandemija je ukazala na sustavne pogreške u pomorskom prometu, ali i na njegov potencijal i potrebu za promjenama. Republika Hrvatska pomorska je zemlja, te je linijski pomorski promet važan za turizam, trgovinu i održivi razvoj otoka. Linijski pomorski putnički promet odvija se između otoka i obalnog dijela prema unaprijed utvrđenom rasporedu kao regulirana usluga. Najveći putnički brodar u Republici Hrvatskoj je Jadrolinija. Od velike važnosti za pomorski promet su pomorske luke čiji se gospodarski potencijal temelji na povoljnom geografskom položaju. Republika Hrvatska ima šest luka od međunarodnog gospodarskog interesa, to su luke: Rijeka, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče i Dubrovnik. Svjetska financijska kriza koja je započela u SAD-u 2007. godine dovela je do značajnog pada globalne aktivnosti. Pomorska industrija također je bila pogođena krizom, s obzirom da je potražnja za globalnom trgovinom pala, došlo je do pada potražnje i za prijevozom. Financijska kriza došla je i do Republike Hrvatske, te su u tom razdoblju rashodi pomorske industrije rasli brže nego prihodi. Nakon financijske krize sljedeća kriza koja je obuhvatila linijski pomorski promet bila je kriza izazvana pandemijom Covid-19, kada je pomorska industrija također zabilježila smanjen obujam poslovanja. Kako bi se ublažio negativan utjecaj pandemije kontinuirano su vršene prilagodbe u svim segmentima poslovanja Jadrolinije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | From the beginning of man's existence, there is also a need for a voyage to overcome the obstacles that the sea poses. Maritime traffic can be described by the shortest as transportation of people and goods by sea. Regular shipping is shared between passenger and freight. The trip of the liner is defined in advance, i.e. the pre-known ports of call as well as the timetable. In regular shipping, freight rates are formed as tariffs. The regular shipping market is affected by a number of external factors such as the financial crisis in 2008 and the Covid-19 pandemic that cannot be affected. Therefore, the shipping companies need to develop and adapt continuously. The outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 represented entirely new circumstances on maritime transport and global supply chains. Given the interlinkages between the shipping markets, the maritime supply chain crisis has and wider impacts such as delays in the delivery of goods, congestion of ports, etc. The pandemic pointed to systemic errors in maritime transport, but also to its potential and the need for change. The Republic of Croatia is a maritime country, and regular shipping is important for the tourism, trade and sustainable development of the island. Liner shipping takes place between islands and the coastal part according to a predefined schedule as a regulated service. The largest passenger ship in the Republic of Croatia is Jadrolinija. Maritime ports are of great importance for maritime transport, the economic potential of which is based on a favourable geographical location. The Republic of Croatia has six ports of international economic interest, namely ports: Rijeka, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče and Dubrovnik. The global financial crisis that started in the US in 2007 has led to a significant decline in global activity. The maritime industry was also hit by the crisis, as the demand for global trade fell, there was a drop in demand and for transport. The financial crisis also came to the Republic of Croatia, and in this period the expenditure of the maritime industry grew faster than revenues. Following the financial crisis, the following crisis covering regular shipping was a crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, when the maritime industry also recorded reduced business volumes. In order to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic, adjustments in all segments of the Jadrolinija business are continuously improved |