Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu istražili su se motivi gledanja eSports događaja u Republici Hrvatskoj među ciljnom skupinom definiranom iz prethodnih istraživanja i izvora. Na temelju uzorka iz istraživanja donio se zaključak o pozitivno povezanim motivima s učestalosti gledanja eSports događaja te dobio uvid u trenutnu situaciju koja vlada na području Republike Hrvatske. Nastavno na analizu dobivenih podataka doneseni su zaključci o stanju tržišta i o prilikama koje su otvorene za stvaranja funkcionalnog ekosustava eSports industrije na domaćem tržištu. Za veliku popularnost i profitabilan sustav eSports-a u svijetu bilo je potrebno više godina razvoja tehnologije, industrije videoigara i promjena u strategijama već postojećih marki. Zanimljivo je sagledati kako je sve počelo i koji su početni potezi mnogih sudionika bili unazad nekoliko godina da bi se industrija razvila u onu kakva danas jest. Važni početni koraci nalaze se u upoznavanju potrošača i sagledavanju svih prilika koje se otvaraju ako se sudjeluje na tržištu i zato je zanimljivo razmotriti motive koji pokreću gledatelje domaćeg tržišta na praćenje eSports događaja, ali i ostalih povezanih sadržaja.
U svrhu istraživanja motiva gledanja eSports događaja u Republici Hrvatskoj koristio se internetski upitnik na namjernom prigodnom uzorku od 131 gledatelja eSports događaja u dobi od 18 do 35 godina. Provedeno istraživanje istaknulo je motive estetike igre, dramatike u igri, stjecanje znanja gledajući igru i vještine igrača tijekom igre kao pozitivno povezane s učestalosti gledanja eSports događaja. Motivi su se ocjenjivali Likertovom skalom od sedam stupnjeva kojom se izražavalo slaganje ili ne slaganje s navedenom izjavom gdje je ocjena 1 značila potpuno ne slaganje s izjavom, dok je ocjena 7 izražavala potpuno slaganje s izjavom vezanom za određeni motiv. Prosječne vrijednosti za pojedinu izjavu za motiv estetike bile su 5,87, 5,28 i 5,79, za motiv dramatike one su iznosile 5,70, 6,21 i 6,31, za stjecanje znanja gledajući igru 5,16, 6,01 i 5,67 te za vještine igrača 6,33, 6,52, 6,42. Nadalje, ispitanici smatraju kako eSports industrija s godinama raste, no slaba medijska praćenost događaja, manjak događaja i opća negativna percepcija društva o videoigrama i računalima ne idu u prilog njenom daljnjem razvoju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this paper, a research was made on the topic of motives for spectating eSports in the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted among the target group defined from previous research and sources. Based on the sample from the research, a conclusion was made on positively related motives with the frequency of spectating eSports and gained insight into the current situation in the Republic of Croatia. Following the analysis of the obtained data, conclusions were made on the state of the market and the opportunities that are open for the creation of a functional ecosystem of the eSports industry in the domestic market. The great popularity and profitable eSports system in the world took several years of technology development, the video game industry and changes in the strategies of existing brands. It is interesting to see how it all started and what the initial upheavals of many participants were a few years in order for the industry to develop into what it is today. Important initial steps are to get to know consumers and see all the opportunities that open up if you participate in the market, so it is interesting to consider the motive that drives domestic market viewers to follow eSports events and other related content.
For the purpose of researching the motives for spectating eSports in the Republic of Croatia, an online questionnaire was used on a deliberate sample of 131 spectators of eSports events aged 18 to 35. The research highlighted the motives of game aesthetics, drama, acquisition of knowledge, and skills of the players during games as positively related to the frequency of spectating eSports events. The motives were assessed on a seven-point Likert scale expressing agreement or disagreement with the statement, where a score of 1 meant a complete disagreement with the statement, while a score of 7 expressed a full agreement with the statement related to a particular motive. The average values for each statement for the motive of game aesthetic were 5.87, 5.28 and 5.79, for the motive of drama they were 5.70, 6.21 and 6.31, for the acquisition of knowledge were 5.16, 6.01 and 5.67 and skills of the players were 6.33, 6.52, 6.42. Furthermore, respondents believe that the eSports industry is growing over the years, but there is a weak media coverage, lack of events and the general negative perception of society about video games and computers that do not support its further development. |