Sažetak | Cilj je bio istražiti kako nostalgija doprinosi stvaranju ljubavi prema marki izabrane marke u području kulture, umjetnosti i zabave. Kao odabrana nostalgična marka koja se koristila u istraživanju bila je marka Barbie.
Navedeno se istražilo zbog nedostatka istraživanja o povezanosti nostalgije i ljubavi prema marki u kulturi, umjetnosti i zabavi. Nostalgija odražava važan aspekt društvenog života u današnjem vremenu te se konzumacijom nostalgičnih proizvoda uspostavljaju trajni i pozitivni međuljudski odnosi. Osjećaj nostalgije prirodan je i sastavni dio čovjekove psihologije te mu se u marketingu pridaje posebna pozornost u stvaranju i održavanju marke. Nostalgija u marketingu je marketinška taktika poduzeća koja potrošačima pruža nostalgične elemente u marketinškim aktivnostima kako bi stimulirala i aktivirala iste takve emocije duboko unutar potrošača te na taj način utjecala na njihovo potrošačko ponašanje. Zbog osjećaja nostalgije potrošači naginju kupnji proizvoda koji ih vraća u djetinjstvo, razdoblje u kojem su se osjećali bezbrižnima i neopterećenima svakodnevnim stresom i brigama svijeta odraslih jer ih je tada korištenje proizvoda određenih maraka ispunjavalo srećom. Marketing proizlazi iz emocije nostalgije te iz marketinških istraživanja saznajemo puno o nostalgiji u marketingu čija je pozicija u poslovnom svijetu sve istaknutija. Nostalgija čini važan dio percepcije o marki Barbie, bitna je emocionalna povezanost s markom te njena važnost u identifikaciji žena s markom i njenom ulogom u stvaranju osjećaja pripadnosti i prihvaćenosti. Zbog toga se može pretpostaviti da upravo nostalgija doprinosi razvoju ljubavi prema marki Barbie kod potrošača.
Provedeno je istraživanje na namjernom prigodnom uzorku od 206 ispitanika. U prvom dijelu su se istražili stavovi potrošača prema marki Barbie (igračke), kroz varijable: nostalgično pozicioniranje marke, ljubav prema marki, emocionalna povezanost, lokalna ikonost marke i autentičnost marke. U drugom dijelu su se istražili stavovi ispitanika prema marki Barbie (film) na temelju varijabli: hedonističko iskustvo konzumacije filma, tijek, eskapizam, zadovoljstvo, intenzitet nostalgije, komunikacija od usta do usta (WOM) kroz WOM namjeru i ponašanje.
Rezultati su pokazali da je Barbie nostalgična marka koja je bila prisutna u životima ispitanika tijekom njihova odrastanja, ali emocionalna povezanost s markom Barbie nije razvijena kod većine ispitanika. Ljubav prema marki Barbie nije izražena jer su ispitanici neutralnog stava. Smatra se kvalitetnom i pouzdanom markom, ali nedovoljno autentičnom. Popularnost na društvenim mrežama potaknula je ispitanike na gledanje filma Barbie koji su u prosjeku zadovoljni filmom, ali su očekivanja o filmu prije gledanja filma bila visoka kod nekih ispitanika te nisu ispunjena. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this study was to investigate how nostalgia contributes to the creation of brand love for the chosen brand in the field of culture, art, and entertainment. The nostalgic brand used in the research was Barbie. The study was conducted due to the lack of research on the connection between nostalgia and brand love in culture, art, and entertainment.
Nostalgia reflects an important aspect of todays' social life, and the consumption of nostalgic products establishes lasting and positive interpersonal relationships. The feeling of nostalgia is a natural and integral part of human psychology, and it is given special attention in marketing when creating and maintaining a brand. Nostalgia in marketing is a marketing tactic used by companies to offer consumers nostalgic elements in their marketing activities, with the aim of stimulating and activating those same emotions deep within the consumers, thereby influencing their purchasing behaviour. Due to feelings of nostalgia, consumers tend to buy products that take them back to their childhood, a period when they felt carefree and free from the daily stress and worries of adult life, as using certain brands' products at that time brought them happiness. Marketing arises from the emotion of nostalgia, and through market research, we learn a lot about the role of nostalgia in marketing, which is becoming increasingly prominent in the business world. Nostalgia plays a significant role in the perception of the Barbie brand, contributing to the emotional connection with the brand, as well as its importance in helping women identify with the brand and its role in creating a sense of belonging and acceptance. Therefore, it can be assumed that nostalgia directly contributes to the development of brand love for Barbie among consumers.
A survey was conducted on a sample of 206 respondents. The first part examines the dimensions related to consumers' attitudes towards the Barbie brand (the toy) through nostalgic variables: emotional connection, local brand identity, and brand authenticity. In the second part, respondents' attitudes are examined according to the movie Barbie based on variables: hedonistic experience of film consumption, flow, escapism, satisfaction, intensity of nostalgia, word-of-mouth (WOM) communication through WOM intention and behaviour.
The results showed that Barbie is a nostalgic brand that was present in the lives of respondents during their childhood, but emotional attachment with the Barbie brand was not developed for most of the respondents. Love for the Barbie brand is not strong, as the respondents had a neutral attitude. It is considered as a quality and reliable brand, but not sufficiently authentic. The popularity on social media prompted respondents to watch the Barbie movie, and while they were generally satisfied with the movie, the expectations of some respondents were high before watching it and were not met. |