Sažetak | Predmet istraživanja su odrednice za koje se očekuje da utječu na pokazatelje poslovanja poduzeća, a definirane su u okviru resursnoga pristupa poduzeću, korporativne strategije zaštite okoliša i ekoloških lanaca dobave. Tema doktorskog rada bavi se analizom utjecaja razvijenosti ekoloških lanaca dobave na pokazatelje poslovanja poduzeća temeljem resursnoga pristupa. Također se želi istražiti povezanost između korporativne strategije zaštite okoliša s jedne strane i organizacijskih resursa i organizacijskih sposobnosti raspoloživih za ekološki lanac dobave s druge strane te utjecaj organizacijskih resursa i organizacijskih sposobnosti na razvijenost ekoloških lanaca dobave. Nadalje, želi se istražiti utjecaj razvijenosti ekoloških lanaca dobave na pokazatelje poslovanja poduzeća kao i utjecaj razvijenosti korporativne strategije zaštite okoliša na pokazatelje poslovanja poduzeća. U ovom radu fokus je na sveobuhvatnom pristupu pokazatelja poslovanja mjerenih sustavom uravnoteženih kartica (financijska dimenzija, tržišna dimenzija, procesna dimenzija i dimenzija upravljanja znanjem) hrvatskih poduzeća koja posluju na post-tranzicijskim tržištima te na resursnom pristupu. Na taj način realizirani su sljedeći znanstveni doprinosi u odnosu na prethodna istraživanja. Prvo, dosadašnja istraživanja orijentirana su na utjecaj upravljanja ekološkim lancima dobave korištenjem financijskih i tržišnih pokazatelja poslovanja na uzorku poduzeća iz visoko razvijenih zemalja. Istražio se utjecaj razvijenosti ekoloških lanaca dobave na financijsku i tržišnu dimenziju pokazatelja poslovanja na uzorku hrvatskih poduzeća koja posluju na post- tranzicijskim tržištima. Drugo, direktna istraživanja o utjecaju ekoloških lanaca dobave na procesne pokazatelje i upravljanje znanjem nisu, prema najboljem saznanju autora, provedena. Međutim, ekološki lanci dobave mogu se promatrati kao oblik organizacijske i tehnološke inovacije, a brojna dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su kako inovacije imaju statistički važan utjecaj na procesnu dimenziju i dimenziju upravljanja znanjem. Treće, resursna teorija poduzeća, prema najboljem saznanju autora, nije uzeta u obzir kao katalizator utjecaja ekoloških lanaca dobave na pokazatelje poslovanja poduzeća pa je realiziran znanstveni doprinos u istraživanju uloge organizacijskih resursa poduzeća (materijalnih, financijskih, informacijskih i ljudskih) i organizacijskih sposobnosti poduzeća u razvoju ekoloških lanaca dobave. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The doctoral thesis investigates the impact of the development of green supply chains on company performance based on the resource-based view. It also seeks to explore the connection between corporate environmental strategy on the one hand, and organizational resources and organizational capabilities available for the green supply chain on the other, as well as the impact of organizational resources and organizational capabilities on the development of green supply chains. Furthermore, the aim is to explore the impact of the development of green supply chains on company performance and the impact of the development of the corporate environmental strategy on company performance. This thesis focuses on a comprehensive approach to company performance measured by a system of balanced scorecards (financial dimension, market dimension, process dimension and knowledge management dimension) of Croatian companies operating in post-transition markets and the resource-based view. The doctoral thesis sets the following research goals: Define and conceptualize the concept of green supply chains; Present available knowledge from the field of work and critically review previous research; Empirically investigate the impact of the development of green supply chains on company performance; Empirically investigate the link and the way in which organizational resources and organizational capabilities impact the development of green supply chains; Quantitatively examine the awareness of medium and large Croatian companies about the causal relationship between the use of organizational resources and organizational capabilities, the level of development of environmental strategy, the development of green supply chains and company performance. The application goals of the doctoral thesis were the following: To present to the management of medium and large companies the possibility of developing and using green supply chains in order to preserve the environment and create a competitive advantage and monitor global trends; To familiarize the management of medium and large Croatian companies with organizational resources that the management can use to implement or increase the level of development of environmental strategy; To familiarize the management of medium and large Croatian companies with organizational capabilities with which the management can effectively influence the development of green supply chains, and thus the company performance; To familiarize the management of companies and warn them of the importance of implementing the environmental strategy, and acquaint them with global trends in environmental protection and its implementation in almost all industries. In accordance with the goals of the thesis, empirical research has been conducted based on data obtained from a questionnaire sent to medium and large companies in the Republic of Croatia from selected industries. First, descriptive statistics and cluster analysis of indicators of organizations from the sample were made. In the continuation of the research, the data were analyzed using the method of structural equations on primary data, i.e. the multivariate method PLS-SEM. First, the reliability and validity analysis of the measurement model was performed - exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability assessment of measurement scales (Cronbach's alpha, construct reliability (CR) analysis, values of average variance extracted (AVE) and external load indicators (outer loadings)). After confirming that the construct measures were reliable and valid, an assessment of the structural model was made. The problem of collinearity was examined by checking the variance inflation factor (VIF). The estimation of the structural model was continued through the analysis of connections between variables through: a) coefficient of determination of latent variables of model R2, estimation of impact strength f2, estimation of connection strength between variables (Path coefficients) and estimation of connection significance (Bootstrapping analysis). Based on the results of empirical research, conclusions were reached regarding the set hypotheses. The hypotheses that the development of a corporate environmental strategy has a positive impact on the availability of organizational resources for the organization's green supply chain and on the development of organizational capabilities for the organization's green supply chain have been fully accepted. Also, the hypotheses that the development of organizational capabilities has a positive impact on the development of green supply chains, and that the development of corporate environmental strategy has a positive impact on market performance indicators have been fully accepted. The hypotheses that the development of organizational resources available for the green supply chain has a positive impact on internal environmental management, as well as that the development of green supply chains has a positive impact on market performance, process performance and the organization's knowledge management have been partially accepted. The hypotheses that the development of organizational resources available for the green supply chain has a positive impact on the development of green supply, the development of cooperation with customers and the development of eco-design have been rejected. Hypotheses that the development of green supply chains has a positive impact on financial performance and that the development of corporate environmental strategy has a positive impact on financial performance, process performance and the organization's knowledge management have also been rejected. The following scientific contributions in relation to previous research have been realized in this thesis. First, research to date has focused on the impact of managing green supply chains using financial and market performance on a sample of companies from highly developed countries. The impact of the development of green supply chains on the financial and market dimension of performance in a sample of Croatian companies operating in post-transition markets has been investigated. Second, direct research of the impact of green supply chains on process performance and knowledge management has not, to the best of the authors' knowledge, been conducted. Third, the resource-based theory of companies, according to the best of the authors' knowledge, has not been previously considered as a catalyst for the impact of green supply chains on company performance, so a scientific contribution has been made in researching the role of organizational resources and organizational capabilities of companies in developing green supply chains. |