Sažetak | U radu je istraživana povezanost različitih društveno-ekonomskih čimbenika vezanih uz rad od kuće i zadovoljstva i uspješnosti na radu u uvjetima rada od kuće za vrijeme zatvaranja uzrokovanog COVID-19 pandemijom. Rezultati istraživanja su, na razini značajnosti od 5 %, ukazali na povezanost između osam od devet ispitanih društveno-ekonomskih čimbenika (od strane poslodavca osigurani svi potrebni resursi za obavljanje rada od kuće, jednako kvalitetna sredstva za rad kod kuće i u prostoru poslodavca (računalo, monitor, printer i sl.), jednako kvalitetna internetska veza kod kuće i u prostoru poslodavca, nadoknada troškova od strane poslodavca za energente koji se troše radeći od kuće (telefon, internet, struja i sl.), jednako kvalitetno mjesto za rad (zaseban prostor, radni stol, osvjetljenje, ergonomska stolica i sl.) kod kuće i u prostoru poslodavca, dijeljenje računalne opreme za rad od kuće s članovima kućanstva, u prosjeku jednako trošenje vremena prilikom rada od kuće kao i pri redovnom radu u prostoru poslodavca i viša očekivanja poslodavaca o dostupnosti pri radu od kuće nego što je to uobičajeno pri redovnom radu u prostoru poslodavca) i zadovoljstva na poslu. Također, rezultati su, na razini značajnosti od 5 %, ukazali na povezanost pet od devet ispitivanih društveno-ekonomskih čimbenika (od strane poslodavca osigurani svi potrebni resursi za obavljanje rada od kuće, jednako kvalitetna sredstva za rad kod kuće i u prostoru poslodavca (računalo, monitor, printer i sl.), nadoknada troškova od strane poslodavca za energente koji se troše radeći od kuće (telefon, internet, struja i sl.), jednako kvalitetno mjesto za rad (zaseban prostor, radni stol, osvjetljenje, ergonomska stolica i sl.) kod kuće i u prostoru poslodavca i distrakcije u vidu kućanskih/obiteljskih obveza pri obavljanu posla od kuće) i uspješnosti na radu. Na temelju dobivenih nalaza može se zaključiti kako je važno zaposlenicima osigurati jednako kvalitetne uvjete pri radu od kuće kao i u prostoru poslodavca te poštovati privatno vrijeme zaposlenika zbog osiguranja zadovoljstva i uspješnosti na radu pri radu od kuće za vrijeme zatvaranja uzrokovanog COVID-19 pandemijom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This research was based on the investigation of the relationship between different socio-economic factors related to working from home, and job satisfaction and performance when working from home during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the research, at the level of significance of 5%, indicated the correlation between eight of the nine examined socio-economic factors (the employer provided all the necessary resources to work from home, equal quality equipment for work at home and in the employer’s facilities (computer, monitor, printer, etc.), equal quality of the internet connection at home and in the employer’s facilities, reimbursement by the employer for energy consumed working from home (telephone, internet, electricity, etc.), equal quality of the workplace (desk, lighting, ergonomic chair, etc.) at home and in the employer’s facilities, sharing computer equipment for work from home with household members, on average the same amount of time spent working from home as in regular work in the employer’s facilities, and higher expectations of employers on availability at work from home than what is usual with regular work in the employer’s facilities) and job satisfaction. Also, the results, at a level of significance of 5%, indicated the relationship between five of the nine socio-economic factors examined (the employer provided all the necessary resources to work from home, equal quality of equipment for work at home and in the employer’s facilities (computer, monitor, printer, etc.), reimbursement by the employer for energy consumed from home (telephone, internet, electricity, etc.), the same quality of the workplace (separate space, desk, lighting, ergonomic chair, etc.) at home and in the employer’s premises, and distractions in the form of domestic/family obligations when doing work from home) and work performance. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that it is important to provide employees with the same quality of working conditions while working from home as in the employer’s facilities, as well as respect the employee’s private time to ensure satisfaction and success at work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic closure. |