Author Katarina Goleš
Mentor Tomislav Gelo (mentor) MBZ: 258644
Committee member Tomislav Gelo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Sekur (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Šimurina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business (Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Development) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tri grada i 10 općina Sisačko moslavačke županije 28. i 29. prosinca 2020. godine pogodio je jak potres koji je uzrokovao oštećenja kao i potpuna uništenja brojnih zgrada i kuća. Ovu katastrofu treba iskoristiti i obnovu voditi na način da se i energetski obnove zgrade i kuće pogođene potresom. Potrošnja energije u zgradarstvu je značajna i u Hrvatskoj. Potrošnja energije u zgradama je oko 40% ukupne energije što ima za posljedicu 36% emisije CO₂. To ukazuje na važnost energetske učinkovitosti u zgradarstvu, osim što je doprinos smanjenju potrošnje energije, smanjuju se emisija štetnih plinova i čuva okoliš. Područje pogođeno potresom još je zanimljivo i s aspekta obnove tog područja nakon rata i ratnih razaranja od 1991. do 1995. godine. Uložena su značaja sredstva u obnovu i u tom razdoblju se nije vodila pretjerana briga o energetskoj učinkovitosti obnovljenih kuća i zgrada. Zakonom o obnovi zgrada oštećenih potresom predviđene su, osim površinskih mjera obnove i svođenje na razinu prije potresa, i cjelovita obnova zgrada kao i gradnja zamjenskih obiteljskih kuća. Hrvatska je u svoje propise o građenju ugradila direktive Europske unije prema kojima, od 2018. godine sve nove javne zgrade moraju biti gotovo nulte energije, a od 2020. gradnja i svih ostalih zgrada. Obnovom nakon potresa može se pružiti značajan gospodarski zamah navedenom području posebice u građevinskom sektoru. Povećat će se zaposlenost, povećati bruto domaći proizvod, a istovremeno smanjiti potrošnja energije što će imati za posljedicu manju potrošnju energije domicilnog stanovništva. To će utjecati i na smanjenje izdataka za potrošnju energije te povećati mogućnost potrošnje na druge proizvode i usluge. Analizom energetski obnovljenih zgrada utvrđeno je da energetski obnovljene zgrade nisu seizmički provjerene ni ojačane. Time se potvrdila važnost povezivanja energetske obnove s obnovom nakon potresa. Prikazivanjem podataka o mogućnostima korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije na području Sisačko-moslavačke županije, ustanovljen je značajan potencijal koji bi se trebao iskoristiti u obnovi. Nadalje, razradom uštede potrošnje energije za grijanje i uštede troška energenata, energetski obnovljene zgrade u odnosu na neizoliranu, utvrđena je pozitivna veza i važnost energetske obnove.
Abstract (english) Three cities and 10 municipalities of Sisak-Moslavina County on 28 and 29 December 2020 were hit by a strong earthquake that caused damage as well as the complete destruction of numerous buildings and houses. This catastrophe should be used and the reconstruction should be managed in such a way that the buildings and houses affected by the earthquake are also energetically renovated. Energy consumption in buildings is significant in Croatia. Energy consumption in buildings is about 40% of total energy, which results in 36% of CO₂ emissions. This points to the importance of energy efficiency in buildings, in addition to contributing to reducing energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment. The area affected by the earthquake is also interesting from the aspect of the reconstruction of that area after the war and the destruction of the war from 1991 to 1995. Significant funds were invested in the renovation and in that period no excessive care was taken about the energy efficiency of the renovated houses and buildings. The Law on the Reconstruction of Buildings Damaged by the Earthquake envisages, in addition to surface reconstruction measures and reduction to the level before the earthquake, the complete renovation of buildings as well as the construction of replacement family houses. Croatia has incorporated European Union directives into its construction regulations, according to which, from 2018, all new public buildings must be almost zero energy, and from 2020, construction of all other buildings. Post-earthquake reconstruction can provide significant economic momentum to this area, especially in the construction sector. Employment will increase, gross domestic product will increase, and at the same time energy consumption will decrease, which will result in lower energy consumption of the domicile population. This will also reduce energy consumption expenditures and increase the possibility of spending on other products and services. The analysis of energy renovated buildings showed that energy renovated buildings were not seismically checked or reinforced. This confirmed the importance of linking energy recovery with post-earthquake recovery. By presenting data on the possibilities of using renewable energy sources in the Sisak-Moslavina County, a significant potential has been identified that should be used in the reconstruction. Furthermore, the elaboration of energy consumption savings for heating and energy cost savings of energy-renovated buildings in relation to non-insulated ones, established a positive relationship and the importance of energy renovation.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:148:653175
Study programme Title: Economics of energy and environment Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-06-30 10:06:30