
Cost-Benefit analiza pristupanja Republike Hrvatske u Europsku monetarnu uniju
Cost-Benefit analiza pristupanja Republike Hrvatske u Europsku monetarnu uniju
Mario Balen
Ovim radom se analiziraju potencijalni troškovi i potencijalne prednosti ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku monetarnu uniju. S obzirom da je Hrvatska ušla u Europsku zajednicu te provodi ekonomsku, pravnu i političku integraciju sa članicama Europske zajednice, za očekivati je skorašnje priključivanje eurozoni kada za to budu ispunjeni predviđeni kriteriji koje će se u radu analizirati. S obzirom da ostvarivanje potencijalnih prednosti ulaska u Europsku monetarnu uniju zahtijeva...
Cost-benefit analiza ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju
Cost-benefit analiza ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju
Dora Štefan
Cost-Benefit analiza ili analiza troškova i koristi, metoda je kojom se procjenjuju prednosti i nedostaci određenog projekta, politike, programa ili odluke. Cost-benefit uspoređuje ukupne troškove s ukupnim koristima kako bi se utvrdilo je li neka aktivnost isplativa ili vrijedna izvedbe. Cost-benefit analiza u ovom radu koristi se kao instrument za procjenu procesa ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju. Temelj cost-benefit analize je usporedba povoljnih i nepovoljnih...
Costs and damage repair caused by an earthquake in the city of Zagreb
Costs and damage repair caused by an earthquake in the city of Zagreb
Hana Babić
Natural hazards pose great risk to the environment and population. In recent periods occurrence of natural disasters increased significantly due to climate change. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and extreme rising/falling in temperatures are most common in occurrence. The disruptive nature of disasters can hardly be predicted and generated losses can rise very high. Due to that, fiscal risks take place representing deviations of expected outcomes with macroeconomic shocks often...
Crisis management in small and medium enterprises
Crisis management in small and medium enterprises
Karla Klaudia Kvesić
This study explores crisis management in SMEs, emphasizing proactive planning, effective communication, and adaptability. It analyzes literature and case studies to highlight best practices and common pitfalls. Key findings indicate that comprehensive crisis management plans, robust communication strategies, and flexible business models enhance SME resilience. The study offers practical recommendations for SME owners, such as developing crisis plans, conducting regular training, and...
Critical factors affecting the success of IT projects
Critical factors affecting the success of IT projects
Helena Dejanović Škvarić
Glavna tema ovog diplomskog rada bit će kako upravljanje projektima utječe na izvedbu IT projekata. Ključno je poduzeti sve potrebne zaštitne mjere. Upravljanje projektom odnosi se na sve organizacijske sposobnosti, metode i postupke koji se koriste za uspješno dovršenje projekta. Diplomski rad predstavlja konceptualni okvir namijenjen poboljšanju ili korištenju tehnika upravljanja projektima za uspješno dovršenje projekta. Stručnost upravljanja projektima može se koristiti za...
Croatian Bond Market
Croatian Bond Market
Dorian Janjanin
The aim of this undergraduate thesis is to define bonds and types of bonds traded on the capital market in Croatia, the Zagreb Stock Exchange, and to determine the importance of the bond market for the development of the overall capital market in Croatia. After defining and analyzing the specifics of each types of bonds traded, the development of the Croatian capital and bond market is presented through 8 stages which clearly show the upbringing of the market and its gradual growth...
Croatian Tourism at the crossroads and the economic consequences
Croatian Tourism at the crossroads and the economic consequences
Marko Kolobarić
Tourism is one of the most important elements of Croatian economy, as there are a lot of workers employed in the tourist industry with large infrastructure and facilities. Tourism amounts for almost 18% of the Croatian GDP, which is the highest share in all EU countries. Croatia has a long history in tourism, which dates back to the first facility opened in Opatija in the 19th century. In today's age, many businesses are designing new and innovative ways of generating energy-efficient power,...
Croatian labor market after EU accession
Croatian labor market after EU accession
Bojan Hrustanović
The paper describes the Croatian labor market after the EU accession. In the introduction there is a brief explanation of the labor market situation in Croatia and changes that occurred after thee EU accession. To better understand the specific of changes in the labor market we analysed the governments approach, immigration and labor market connection as well ass the benefits and challenges of the Croatian labor market. There is a part which goes into numerical representation of the Croatian...
Cryptocurrencies and its business applications
Cryptocurrencies and its business applications
Antonela Brnčić Mićanović
Cryptocurrencies are a global phenomena which started in 2008 with the introduction of the first cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. The market has rapidly developed in the following decade mimicing some traditonal systems like the banking system and the stock exchange while introducing a completly new and anonymous approach with the introduction of blockchain technologies.
Cryptography and information security
Cryptography and information security
Matija Črnjević
In this day and age, the role of cryptography and information security presents an important asset to every organization. Data creation, distribution, and protection are all key factors that can easily decide the future of a business. Even if just one of them fails the damages could be catastrophic. No information security control is failproof, that is why it needs to be paired with encryption processes as one final prevention control. Even encryption won’t eliminate the security threat...
Current trends in banking marketing
Current trends in banking marketing
Lucija Nikolina Orešković
Banks offer services that businesses and individuals use daily. Marketing of banking services has developed through the years and has shown significant changes after the 2008 global financial crisis.
Customer Data Platform kao alat za globalnu tranziciju s korištenja podataka treće strane na podatke prve strane u poslovanju
Customer Data Platform kao alat za globalnu tranziciju s korištenja podataka treće strane na podatke prve strane u poslovanju
Goran Crnčić
Svakodnevni život i rad snažno su obilježeni ubrzanim i sveobuhvatnim razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija u zadnjih tridesetak godina. Korištenje Interneta i različitih uređaja s kojih mu se pristupa generiraju količine podataka koje u toj mjeri nisu zabilježene nikada do sada. Podaci su oduvijek predstavljali temelj poslovanja jer sadrže sve bitne informacije o prošlim, sadašnjim i budućim događanjima, ali količine koje su dostupne danas predstavljaju poseban...
