
Stilovi vodstva i motivacija stalnih i povremenih zaposlenika
Stilovi vodstva i motivacija stalnih i povremenih zaposlenika
Natali Razlog
U ovom radu biti će istražene specifičnosti stilova vodstva kao i motivacije kod povremenih i stalnih zaposlenika. Vodstvo je jedan od temeljnih faktora uspjeha svake suvremene organizacije, te je izuzetno važno da vodstvo i motivacija budu što više koordinirane kako bi se na taj način postigli svi zadani poslovni ciljevi. Motivacija je u suvremenom poslovanju postala jedan od ključnih faktora, te je od iznimne važnosti da organizacije posvetu maksimalnu pažnju zadovoljavanju...
Stilovi vodstva i razvoj organizacijske kulture
Stilovi vodstva i razvoj organizacijske kulture
Ana Vrdoljak
U ovom radu istraženi su različiti stilovi vodstva i razvoj organizacijske kulture te kakva je povezanost među njima. Vodstvo je ključ uspjeha svake organizacije, te je bitna sinergija ključnih čimbenika koji vode ka ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva. U manjim poduzećima je sinergija bitna, jer je jedan vođa za sve, te međusobno ovise jedni o drugima, dok se u većim organizacijama međusobno natječu različiti odjeli s nekoliko vođa koji svoj tim predstavljaju kao najbolji. ...
Stilovi vodstva u javnom i privatnom sektoru
Stilovi vodstva u javnom i privatnom sektoru
Mario Lusavec
Vodstvo je najlakše definirati kao proces u kojem pojedinac djeluje na grupu ljudi kako bi ostvarili neki zajednički cilj. Kroz godine razvile su se mnoge teorije vodstva i stilovi vodstva, pa osim prethodne definicije vodstva kao procesa, znanstvenici su vodstvo promatrali kao i osobinu. Vođenje ljudi najvažnija je i najkompleksnija zadaća menadžera, ono može napraviti razlika između opstanka i propasti poduzeća. Danas istinsko vodstvo, odnosno vođa čini najveći kapital...
Stilovi vodstva u malim i srednjim informatičkim poduzećima
Stilovi vodstva u malim i srednjim informatičkim poduzećima
Ivan Antolović
Upravljanje kvalitetom u organizaciji je jedno od područja u kojem organizacija ili uspijeva ili propada. Lider je osoba koja je od velike važnosti svakome poduzeću. On se fokusira na ljude i njihove sposobnosti kako bi poduzeće kvalitetno poslovalo. Pored tog zadatka oni moraju razvijati svoje zaposlenike kako bi od njih jednoga dana izgradili buduće vođe. Zbog toga, se liderstvo smatra kompleksnom vještinom za koju je potrebno puno rada i učenja. U ovom radu će se opisati na koji...
Stock price prediction using neural networks within Weka software : a comparative analysis of two time periods
Stock price prediction using neural networks within Weka software : a comparative analysis of two time periods
Filip Javor
The main goal of this research thesis was to construct and test the effectiveness of a stock price prediction model based on neural networks, on two separate time periods, and determine whether the COVID-19 crisis had an impact on the stock market's predictability. Pre-covid and post-covid periods are the first and second, respectively. The official website of the New York Stock Exchange was used to gather the data for the research study. The pre-processed data was then loaded into the Weka...
Strana radna snaga u hrvatskom i europskom turizmu
Strana radna snaga u hrvatskom i europskom turizmu
Marija Gašparović
Turizam je kompleksan gospodarski sektor koji na tržištu rada generira veliki broj radnih mjesta, a uključuje segmente ugostiteljstva, hotelijerstva i popratnih turističkih usluga i sadržaja koji su objedinjeni u kompletan turistički proizvod. Sa pojavom globalizacijskih procesa sve se više zemalja suočava sa značajnim porastom problema radne snage koje uvelike nedostaje, posebice u domeni turizma, a i s obzirom na činjenicu da je potražnja za turističkim djelatnicima u...
Strategic analysis of Croatian electric power industry
Strategic analysis of Croatian electric power industry
Anja Herceg
Croatian market of electric power supply until joining the EU has not been interested and open as it is today. Of course, the main reason for the huge change on the market was liberalisation of the market led by joining the European Union in 2013, which opened up the market for new entrants, meaning competition. This essay is based on strategic analysis of Croatian market, starting with the SWOT analysis of the biggest supplier, HEP ( Hrvatska Elektroprivreda), followed by SWOT...
Strategic analysis of digital marketing agencies
Strategic analysis of digital marketing agencies
Nikolina Božić-Kudrić
The thesis examines the concepts of strategic and industry analysis and provides a review of the online advertising market size and growth, identifies industry trends, and provides an idea of the industry's future. It performs the analysis of the digital marketing agencies industry, using SWOT, PESTLE and Porter's Five Forces models, and provides an overview of competitive dynamics of digital marketing agencies in Croatia. Based on the analysis conducted, the thesis assesses the industry...
Strategic analysis of food delivery industry using Porter's five forces model
Strategic analysis of food delivery industry using Porter's five forces model
Nino Buljan
One of the most positively impacted industries by the Covid-19 pandemic has been the delivery service industry. At least when talking about the long-run effects. While people were stuck at their homes by their governments, delivery companies came through with their relentless deliveries. From large courier companies to the new boom of food delivery companies, they all played a big role during the hard pandemic times. There has been a huge fluctuation of capital in the industry, and the big...
Strategic analysis of the approach of banking institutions towards small and medium-sized enterprises on the example of Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Strategic analysis of the approach of banking institutions towards small and medium-sized enterprises on the example of Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Lana Sablić
In the contemporary business landscape, the significance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving economic progress is undeniable. These enterprises frequently rely on the assistance of banking institutions to effectively operate and realize their expansion goals. Understanding the strategies, services and products of Zagrebačka banka d.d. intended for this sector will enable an analytical overview of its approach and determine the advantages that the bank provides to its...
Strategic analysis of the over-the-counter drug industry in Croatia
Strategic analysis of the over-the-counter drug industry in Croatia
Marta Radošević
The company's strategy is now required in order for the corporation to respond to any environmental problems. The pharmaceutical industry has a great interest in analyzing the effectiveness of marketing communication of prescription drugs since prescription drugs represent the main source of income for the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing communication of prescription drugs is not aimed primarily at the consumer because they are not the ultimate decision makers to choose a particular drug...
Strategic analysis of wood industry in Croatia based on Porter's five forces
Strategic analysis of wood industry in Croatia based on Porter's five forces
Ana Jelčić
With this undergraduate thesis I would like to point out the vast possibilities and growth potential of the wood industry, mostly of Croatian, but European markets as well. I have chosen this type of industry because it has enormous potential to spread and compete on both markets. Wood industry in almost all countries in the world has important role in total national economy. Such economy is reflected through contribution from number of employees, number of firms and other economic...
